I manage to put my feet up and knit two rows for my baby’s blanket, while the children are cleaning up after lunch and finishing their music lessons and artwork. This is how this blanket is progressing: two rows at a time. I am not an accomplished knitter. I don’t even consider myself a “good” knitter. I have to completely pay attention to every stitch, and after two rows my mind starts to wander and I’m too inexperienced to zone out and just let my hands work. But, even with two rows at a time…progress is made. It is a good reminder to me, how forward motion or any change is accomplished: by degrees, by steps, by plodding. Sometimes it just takes two rows at a time.

Keri Mae,I really enjoyed reading about your day. You have a lovely life :)It made me happy to see how you weave homeschooling throughout your day. I'm learning how to do that.Thanks for sharing.