Charts and slides aside, I squirmed a bit when asked what I was doing to promote my books. “Well,” I swallowed, “I’m blogging. Sort of. And we have a podcast…” Our financial advisor was emphatic; I need to market my books, or I’m not helping anyone. Not myself, and certainly not others.
Alas. I am so worried that my attention will utterly fly from my family that embarking upon this unknown learning curve seems improbable. Simply pondering how I might endeavor to introduce PRESENT or PRACTICES to more people causes me to chew down my nails even more. Like now.
“So,” says a friend of mine across the table. I’m drinking a latte; nervously downing it, actually. “Here is the finish line,” she says, drawing upon a napkin. “And here you are, afraid to cross.”
Gulp. Gulp.
“Let me ask you something.” She stares at me, and I laugh nervously. “Where is God in this?”
Where is God in this?
I ask myself this for the next few days, understanding theologically that He is here, there, and everywhere. I also understand that unlike people I’m forever wanting to please, gain the attention of, and keep from disappointing, God is already pleased with me and, just as upon the sparrow, has His sovereign eyes upon me. Isn’t that enough to give me the wisdom and courage I need?
You would think so. But courageous, I am not.
Or perhaps, weak in faith, I am.
Later that evening I am reading Psalm 98, and I am struck with the exhortation to make a joyful noise, a loud noise, unto the Lord, rejoicing and singing praise. A holy and joyful noise isn’t quiet, introverted, or a private interpretation of worship. It isn’t shirking from proclaiming His goodness, righteousness, and above all, truth. And it isn’t starting arguments or hullabaloo’s or drawing attention to a persona, but about putting forth truth in love, using the gifts He’s given, and underscoring the supernatural peace that comes from standing upon the Word of God and being in a right relationship with Him.
I know we mamas need to hear more about Jesus, and to trust Him more. And I know, without question, that these books would help mamas like me who need a little more contemplation and considering of our ways. However, the world just seems so much louder, more chaotic, bullyish, dishonest. I prefer my quiet life. I prefer being liked. Move over, Jonah?
I’m afraid of marketing. I’m afraid of not marketing. Of making noise. Of not making noise. All I know is that two days later, I opened my Bible to Psalm 100 and read in verse one, “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord…” I admit I was a little amused.
In the meantime, if anyone out there loves marketing, managing social media, or has any great ideas, pass them my way. AND (here comes a marketing plug)….if you get your copy of PRACTICES before the end of the month, you’ll get a free gift. If you love quotes, you’ll love this compilation of over 100 quotes we sought out for our PRESENT book! Use them for blogs, letters, art journaling, etc. Simply email me your Amazon receipt with your PRACTICES purchase and I’ll send it to you. Easy.
Many blessings, and thanks for working this through with me 🙂

Be bold. what about contacting the Cannon Beach book store and see if they will put some on their shelves.
Also the local book stores. Maybe even a book signing at the local book store or library.
I’ll keep thinking
Thank you, Mary 🙂
Will you be reading this one too like you did with Present? The only way I have time and energy for books right now is if they are available on audio. Loved your audio version of Present!
Thank you, Kathryn 🙂 The audio of Present was totally fun to do, especially with those sound effects. I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to do an audio version of Practices yet. Thinking on it still…