Want to take a walk with me around our gardens? We’ve got the goat milked and the hens let out and all of the animals are happily watered and fed. Let’s grab the point-n-shoot and head out….
Yes, what you see here is a real miracle: tomatoes growing in the Pacific Northwest:
And a squash of some sort. I’m glad I took records because I can’t recall what this is off the top of my head. Looks like a pumpkin. Maybe.
Another miracle: corn growing. They’re all very short though, so we’ll see.
A sweet young lady made this sign. We bought it from her at the farmer’s market.
Hummingbirds love these flowers. And we love hummingbirds.
I love poppies. I pretty much let them bloom wherever they want to.
These are my favorite roses I think of all time. They are called “The Generous Gardener”.
Did I mention I love poppies? Even their seed heads are gorgeous. Sprinkle seeds away!
Figs are a’growin’.
This is an interesting pink butterfly style hydrangea bush.
And this is the welcoming committee if you come to my back door. Don’t worry; he’s friendly.
Yes, I even let poppies come up through my lavender plants.
I love this sweet little birdhouse even though no bird has ever used it.
My hens free range. Which means they freely eat my growing vegetables. Ah well. They pay me back in eggs.
Not many sweet peas this year. Seems like every year I get some flowers that do fantastic, and some that are just ho-hum. Sweet peas I love.
The apples are coming! I know I should “thin them out” but I like the smaller sizes. These are the ones that the dogs cannot reach. We just might get to eat these!
Nasturtiums are so lovely! They go nuts in my garden sprawling everywhere. In the background are onions growing and then black bean plants climbing up.
Successfully grew celery this year! Fresh cut celery tastes amazing!
I love growing lavender. I don’t even know how many plants of it I have anymore. I didn’t cut much of it this year though; it’s been a floundering sort of season for me. But I still enjoy them.
Calendula always comes back here. It’s one of my favorite healing herbs. I keep meaning to harvest them, but I haven’t. It’s ok, I guess.
Love love love big blue hydrangeas!
Someone’s feeling ignored while I take pictures.
Here is this year’s garlic harvest. The bulbs are sort of small, but I wanted an intense flavor and this is the size I got with the variety I wanted. I plan to powder these. We love garlic in just about *everything*!
Sometimes the harvest is comical. Like our potatoes? Those are KID gloves for size comparison! You win some, you lose some in gardening.
I didn’t do a whole lot this year, and frankly, I’m thankful for all of my perennials that gave me grace and color this year without my working at it. How does your garden grow?

Seeing the picture of the rooster at you door made me think of this story my mom used to tell me. She grew up on a farm in southern Ohio that did not have indoor plumbing, so naturally they had an outhouse. Every time my mom would go to the outhouse their rooster (who knew she was scared to death of him) would trap her inside. She'd have to yell for my grandpa to shoo the rooster away before she could get out and get on with the business of life. The mental picture makes me giggle every time!
Hi KeriI am sorry I may not be commenting through the right route but I am not sure how to do it!!!I can't find any links to your acclaimed elderberry syrup and am hoping you can point me in the right direction.Thank you, Rose
Hi RoseYour comments are always welcome!I think my syrup was on my other blog that I took down (it's a long story). I will put it on my list of to do's for you though and blog on it again. I need to make some more, anyway :)Blessings to you!