I’m very much enjoying art journaling, beginner that I am. It’s a definite stretcher for me to break from using just words to dump my brain and to try to (literally) draw it out. Although, it’s funny, I still filled up the page with words! I was thinking about how I needed to guard my heart, to be its keeper, to stop being dependent on people or my circumstances and to just care better for me. And then I started thinking about what I really needed, and came up with a list. This is from my sketch book. Can you relate to any of these needs?
I decided to put it all onto a little canvas, something I could display somewhere and look at it and remind myself. I forget pretty easily! I love the birds, one in a cage and one without. Every word and drawing or stamp carries a meaning for me, and helps to provoke meditation and prayer. This was a fun project to do with my girls, too; they made their own pictures and have proudly displayed them where they, too, can see them every day. We used acrylic paints, stamps, and mod podge for the words. I’m looking forward to doing more of this sort of art journaling!

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