We’ve been settling in with Baby after getting permission to remove her from supplemental oxygen, and I’ve been resting a great deal. I’m happy to report that this has notย been a hurried Christmas season but a rather relaxed and enjoyable one. I’m thankful for internet shopping ๐
But I’d had enough of resting in a room that looked like a storage unit, so I finally cleaned it up. More stuff went to charity. I think I’m going to need a whole year to keep simplifying, but so far the effort has been worth it. My husband had no idea I’d be presenting him with a clean room to rest in, so it was fun to spend the day (the entire day) clearing and cleaning it out.
For starters, the full-sized bed went bye-bye. Pretty, yes. But my husband was sleeping with his feet hanging to the edge! So I bought a brand new queen sized mattress, handmade with organic wool and cotton. Yummy. I want to buy all new bedding and some rugs, but one thing at a time, yes?
Here is *my* spot, with my girlhood desk that I still use. Baskets on the floor hold my journals, reading books and handwork, and my shelf is full of mostly herb and writing books.
I have a frame over my desk with all of my babies on it. I know they say time flies, but…really…it does.
Here’s our current closet, downsized from the huge walk-in we used to have. Someday we’re going to steal from the hallway and make that door open into a closed closet space. Someday. We have a lot of “someday” projects (don’t you?).
Little things I like are here and there; dried lavender, stuffed toys.
I’m behind on my letters. I think my friends understand. A clean desk and room make it more inviting for me to sit down and respond. I use a toast holder to keep them organized. Etsy is fun to shop for stuff like that.
I found places for the things we like. A potted plant. A tin of colored pencils. A Snoopy typewriting toy (don’t you have toys still?). Old medical books here and there.
Old luggage cases are pretty to store things in. Yes, it can be a bit of a pain to get things out, but I don’t care. I rescued these from my mother-in-law’s garage.
This “curtain” is just a tablecloth folded over. I’m finding lots of things can be repurposed.
The morning of the big clean-up, I told my husband he’d come home to “sleep under the stars”. Haha! That was great fun–the weather has been nasty and cold and wet (not to mention the flooding…) but I insisted that’s what he’d be doing when he looked at me incredulous. And, voila, there they were….”stars” by the time he got home ๐
Later, he and my son put up the ox yoke (with eight good hefty bolts!). A nice word picture, don’t you think? I’m currently looking for a long piece of artwork to put between the yoke and the pillows. Oh, and notice the baby…best part of the room!
It’s amazing what you can find on Ebay…did I mention how much I like internet shopping?
Our room has become a nice and quiet (relatively speaking…it IS a small house with 8 children in it!) room to be in. I count it as one of my husband’s Christmas gifts! But children do run in, especially if Poppy wakes and calls out. Ruby usually get there first.
We’ve got two podcast episodes to share soon; watch for them ๐

Such a sweet sweet picture of Ruby and Poppy!!! It’s amazing of God’s goodness, isn’t it?
Love to you and yours!
I’m sure there’s a funny comment in my head somewhere about the yoke above your bed! – only servants of Christ would find it a fitting and meaningful (but good!) “decor”. God certainly has perfectly matched your husband and you to be joint laborers in His work. God bless you – and thank you for the Christmas “gift” of showing us your love for your husband, marriage and family ๐
Wonderful to have news and many blessings on this Christmas morn….it is 6am here. Oh, I see my letter is first in the queue to be answered!!!!!!!
๐ Answered and sent already!