Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15
How’s your Bible reading going?
Seventeen years ago I was saved, and for the past fourteen I’ve been in my Bible pretty much daily. I credit the few years I spent back in Bible Study Fellowship for helping me cultivate that habit. I was always a good student growing up and did my “homework” as such. So daily BSF questions were answered…daily.
I didn’t have a reading plan for most of those post-BSF years; I just picked a book here and there, or sought out verses I liked or needed. The church I was attending preached topically every week, so I didn’t have the chance to read passages ahead of the sermon and I never went back afterwards to read the half-dozen or so verses given on that Sunday in context.
Eventually I fell into a plan that worked for me: simply to read front to back and begin again. Three or so chapters a day would complete the whole Bible within a year or so. Then a brother shared with me his plan for reading the psalms and I adopted that, too: simply take the date (say, the 4th) and read that psalm (4) and then keep adding 30 until you get to the end of the book: psalms 4, 34, 64, 94, 124. In this way, the book of psalms is finished every month.
Proverbs is also finished within every month; simply read that chapter on that date. On the 4th of the month, read proverbs 4.
How long does it take to read all of that? About 30-40 minutes.
A few weeks ago, I heard a sermon that pleaded for morning devotions. The preacher apologized for “meddling” but his questions were instructive. The answers to choose from were (a) your Blackberry (or other favorite device) or (b) your Bible. How would you do in this short quiz?
1. First thing each morning, I flip it open to see if there’s a message for me.
2. I wouldn’t consider leaving home without it.
3. When standing in a slow line at the bank, I use my time to read it.
4. Waiting for the ferry (or other relevant thing–like an appointment–in your case) is not unpleasant because it’s always with me.
5. Before going to bed, I again comfort myself with the information it holds.
I recently finished Kay Arthur’s Lord, Teach Me to Study the Bible in 28 Days. I admit the reason I was drawn to inductive study was because, well, the colors were pretty 🙂 I had gone through other devotionals and books before; sometimes I wanted the reading “assignments” and questions that another author had thoughtfully put forth for me.
As it turns out, I am really enjoying this method of study a whole lot! I have done many word studies before, using a concordance to dig deeper, but this method exposed the even *deeper* digging I could do on my own.
Or course, because the text is a living and supernatural text, I’m always gleaning and learning something new every time I read, no matter how many times I’ve read a passage before. But–wow–using those colors really brings new things to light in a whole new way.
It’s taking me longer to study this way, and I don’t read as many passages on a daily basis because of it. But to break out my colors and dig deep? Takes me about 30-40 minutes in the morning.
As an aside, I’m loving the Pilot Frixion pens: they don’t bleed through my thin Bible paper and they’re erasable.
I have a lot to do. I have seven children who want breakfast and a husband I need to speak with before he leaves for work. I like my shower in the morning, and because I’m pregnant I need to EAT within the hour of waking or my blood sugar crashes. When my eyes open my mind is apt to start planning my day (more packing for the move? cleaning? baking scones? staging for the realtor? potty training my toddler?…..)
But what I look forward to more than anything else is opening my Bible and hearing from the Lord. I feel robbed if I overslept or am too nauseated to look at print, because I know the rest of the day will race towards nightfall and if I try to read anything during that time, it will be crumbs and not a meal.
Jeremiah 2. That’s where I was today and I spent the time to copy the 20 questions God inquired of Israel, a nation that forsook the Lord to chase after culture, self-righteousness, and idolatry. He points out that their sins were not even in secret, and that even abortion is not anything new (v.34). That nation presumed upon the mercy of the Lord when troubles arose, but steadfastly refused correction.
Who says the Bible isn’t relevant for today?
Do you?
Is it relevant for YOUR “today”?
Take this in love, sisters. Remember your first love.
Seek ye out the book of the LORD, and read… (Isa 34:16)

that’s one i’m struggling with for sure…
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing. I’ve been going through family crisis, and having verses and chapters already built into my spirit has made it so much easier to handle. We will never regret the time we spent in his word. But we will regret not spending the time. Thanks for the encouragement.
I can’t start my day without the Bible…am always amazed how there is always a relevant verse no matter what situation or mood of helplessness or joy I am in. I could have read the same words the previous day and they meant nothing then wham…they are alive and jump off the page. The Bible is truly God’s LIVING Word and I can not truly live without it.
God ‘s word is very relevant today, I prove each day that I need a relationship with Jesus and I need him interceding for me every minute. I am a work in progress.
Through the years, I’ve been blessed to have had the opportunity to use a lot of different types of Bible studies. When I first became a Christian my pastor’s wife gave me a Good News Bible. She shared that it was an easy read and that I could get a full grasp of the entire Bible after I read it. I did!! I used that Bible for several years and its sooo marked up with love from the Father.
I moved on to the Inductive Bible with Kay Arthur and I went through a lot of her Inductive studies. I really learned a lot, but with so many little ones and I worked part-time, I scaled back for a year. Kay has a lot of smaller books now and I have devoured several as they are not as intense as her others. 🙂
During the times of small children, God showed me that reading the same 3-4 chapters, in the same book of the Bible, each morning for a week, and answering a few questions was what he wanted me to do. By the end of the week I REALLY knew that portion. 🙂 This was a blessing because I could meditate on it and pick a verse to memorize,
I went on to other studies and I’ve returned to just reading the Bible a chapter and book at a time. I glean so much from this style and I like to “see” the whole picture. God has been faithful and His Word has never returned to me void. Thanks for the encouragement and sharing.
By Grace Alone,
I try. I’ve been a Christian many years and still struggle. With the habit, with the desire, with understanding. Sometimes I wonder whats wrong with me. Everyone else, it seems, yearns to read and has great understanding. I pray for wisdom and understanding. I love The Lord and want to know Him more. I pray for a mentor but sometimes feel it’s not in Gods plan. Maybe I’d rely on that person more than He? Thank you for the encouragement.
I’ve struggled, too. I remember confessing to my pastor that I just didn’t have the desire to read the Bible that I thought I *ought*. He just smiled and said, “Don’t worry…you will…” I guess in time that came true. Nothing’s wrong with you; you already want to know Him more. You can know Him more in His Word; that’s what He’s given to us to understand Him more. I hope you’ll find something that helps, whether BSF, or a book, or even a friend to do study with. You’ll be blessed 🙂
Thanks! Was in a late night confessional mood last night! Finally finished Acts, don’t know why that was so hard for me. I LOVE reading Psalms and Proverbs. Thanks again!