Ecclesiastes 3:1 To every thing there is a season…
The problem with God requiring truth in the inward parts (Ps 51:6), is that God requires, well…truth in the inward parts. And the truth is that I need to close up the blog for a season. I guess I can sort of blame it on my Present Journal. I’ve been going through it, asking myself the same questions I pondered years ago, before I deleted my blog off of the web in order to *try* to live in integrity with what I believed and wanted, and to *try* to live a life undistracted by the things (in that case, the Internet) that were taking me off course.
So it’s hard to ask the hard questions. About where I am in my goals. About how my walk with the Lord is. About what I hope to do with my children. About where my focus needs to be, and where my distractions are. At this time, I need to not only write about being Present, I need to BE present.
Snail mail from my readers (you!)–thank you!
Oh, the same fears pop up when I consider taking a break, especially as a blogger:
What if I disappear? (I won’t)
What if I lose readers? (I will)
Will there still be an outlet for me? (I hope so)
What if it’s a mistake? (What if it’s not?)
Taking loving care of our dying dog. I need to be with my kids more.
When I recently considered my goals, I recognized that keeping a blog simply wasn’t high on the list. I’ve never wanted to “grow the blog”, take advertising, or incorporate pop ups (aren’t we all a little weary of clicking little x’s yet?). And yet, if you are a blogger, you know…just the back-end of keeping up with the technology, maintenance, and updates is a lot of work. And for the last ten years (minus my previous hiatus), I’ve enjoyed the work. My first blog post was in 2006. Before opening this current website, I wrote 868 pages worth of content. This post is number 499 for this website. That’s a lot of blogging. And plenty of reading material if you want to go back and catch up 🙂
My home, our nest, needs more time and attention.
What am I going to do instead? Well, I imagine I’ll start out being a little dazed…like, someone took my blankie away. But it does seem to be the season for that, of letting go. Sell our “dream” home, send away my livestock, say goodbye to my gardens and downsize to a tiny rental. Sell or donate a ton (literally) of stuff. Then lose a bunch of stored stuff in flooded storage rooms. Trees smash our van (while we’re in it), the oven/fridge/washer/septic/electrical konks out, our sweet kitty dies (yes, I’m still sad about that) and so it goes. Every day I declutter, I downsize, a little more…and then a little more. Maybe I’m downsizing where I spend my time right now, too.
I’ll be helping my daughters restore this dollhouse.
I have a lot of things I want to do in my home. It needs fresh paint, some reorganization (again), and a lot of clean up from the flooding both in the storage areas and in landscaping. It might feel a little odd not putting together blog posts about everything. But I’m really all right with the idea of an undocumented life. I’m ready to close the curtains for a while.
What are your homekeeping goals?
I’ll be working in my kitchen more. I’ve always wanted to decrease my dependence on the grocery store, and I really have no excuse not to be canning or dehydrating or baking more. The lack of space has discouraged me from doing much, but…really…how silly…I have tables, stools and extra hands. I love cooking from scratch, and want to do better.
The apothecary
I’ve really enjoyed seeing the clients I’ve had, to educate them on the use of herbs for good health and healing. I hope to be expanding my practice a bit, to educate and coach others to support their bodies in natural ways. I have no desire to make medicine for anyone, but blending teas and incorporating seasonal herbs everywhere in my kitchen and bath? Yes, please!
I still write my rough drafts long hand.
I still plan to write. I’m still working on my next book on Slow Schooling, and I have several more in mind and in notes. I really want to focus on writing them, so I’ll need to spend less time writing blog posts. Furthermore, I desire to be a better writer. I’d like to invest in writing classes and do some hard work there. What can I say? I love the written word(s!).
My handwork basket awaits
What else? Well, there is always handwork. Knitting, sewing, embroidery. Basket weaving, felting, book binding. Rag rugs, quilting, applique, spindle spinning and crochet. All are things that encourage the kind of togetherness and conversation (or audio book listening) with my children as they work on their own crafts.
Preparing a sampler warp on my new-to-me loom
Of course, there is homeschooling to be done as well. I love homeschooling. There is always something to learn, and my goal is to cultivate minds that are (a) able to learn (ie. knowing how to read) and (b) want to learn (ie. curious about all sorts of things, from history, to people, to the sciences, etc..). And, above all, to know Christ. Because, really, does anything else matter?
My hands are full of little hands
I suppose that is all, and probably enough. If you haven’t read my book, Present, I’d like to invite you to read it and consider how your own life might be different (or the same!) in order to live in integrity, with truth in the inward parts, wholly *present*. If you have read it, I’d love it if you could leave me a review. And, if you’re very brave, maybe you’d want to work through the Journal.
My word for the year. I think I’m going to need it.
Tom and I plan to continue the podcast (for now). It’s something he loves to do, and I love him, so it’s a fun sort of “date” to get behind the mics together. If you’d like to keep up with us, make sure to subscribe.
Thank you again, dear readers, for the journey here!