It’s been hard to know what to blog lately. In a way, I feel like I’ve said everything I want to say. And publishing the book sort of put a period on the whole thing. Taking a nap from the net (in my case, blogging) was, and is, both instructive and useful. Of course. The truth is that in order to blog, other things I like to do don’t get done. It’s a trade-off.
In the meantime, I want to THANK YOU for your ongoing support of my book, Present. I’ve been pretty humbled by the whole thing, and I don’t take for granted any of my readers and listeners taking time from their own real lives to read anything I write or listen to anything I have to say. My husband has been my biggest cheerleader; he thinks the whole world needs to hear this message. Here I am at his office, where you can come in for a chiropractic adjustment and then pick up a book for that adjustment between the ears, too ๐
And, speaking of…did you know the audiobook is now available? I read the book, myself, and Tom added some fun sound effects that are sure to make you laugh out loud. Plus, there is bonus content at the end: an interview with Brenda. Yeah, *that* Brenda who looks into my closet and puts her hand to her head, shaking it in pity ๐ย Fun stuff!
And of course, I already let you know about the Journal. It’s a great tool if you want to take my story of attempting to cultivate a Real Life and make it your OWN story, too. Your life, your people, your dreams… What do YOU need to do? I really think this Journal will help you figure all of that out for yourself. You can scroll down and download some samples here.
Now I’m going to have to be quick. Baby is babbling, playing with her toes. And I’m forgoing lunch with the children right now to update you all (it’s pretty funny listening to their conversations when Mom isn’t right there!).
THANK YOU for the Real Life LETTERS coming into my mailbox. Readers have been answering my Post Script at the end of my book and sharing their precious time with me. And oh my. Do I have mail. I have Real Mail. With real paper written by real people with real pens. I can’t tell you what a blessing that has been!! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
In other news, Tree Man showed up at our house and took down the tree that three times tried to kill us (and almost succeeded). He and his partner said they couldn’t believe how HEAVY the limbs were, very unusual for the type of tree it was. It was good entertainment for the kids and neighbors to watch, but every time a limb came down, my body acted like everything was falling (unintended) again. In retrospect, I should have taken a long, long walk.
Well, it’s ready for a treehouse, I guess.
And we thank the Lord for providing us with a new (new to us!) van. It came already decorated ๐
Meanwhile, life goes on. We not only had eight ducklings hatch from under their mama, we had four chicks hatch from a hen we kept brooding by adding eggs to her clutch. It was quite the delight to actually SEE the chicks come out from the eggs! And I have to say…having animals raise their own young is wayyyyyy easier than trying to do that ourselves. Plus, it’s adorable, as you can see.
In the house, we’ve been preparing for winter. We’ve canned plenty of fruits and vegetables, filled our freezer with meat and more vegetables, and have a bulk wheat order coming in soon. My next projects revolve around preparing herbs for cold and flu season, not only to prevent any illness (always the best course!), but to treat if needed.
Life goes on when net time is on break. There are toddlers to nap, laundry to hang up and then fold, meals to prepare and spelling lists to go over. It is a delight to have a home to keep, babies to love, a husband to enjoy, and soup to stir on the stovetop.
Lastly, THANK YOU for reading my blog! I know you have a bazillion other places you can be, both on the net and in Real Life. Thank you for sharing a piece of both of those worlds with me.