Somehow, on my last blog, I wrote and wrote and got a ridiculous amount of pages written. Like 868 pages to be exact. It all sits on pdf file waiting for me to do something with it all, which is fairly low on the priority or even the second-string wanna-do list. I do love to write though and am finding myself enjoying sending and receiving handwritten letters more and more. There’s just something about the slowness of it, having a cup of tea and concentrating on that one person’s words completely, and swirling my own handwriting in return, thoughtfully crafting my emotions and news into words. I wonder, if more ladies wrote letters, what might happen. Perhaps more thoughtfulness in words, more grace to others, patience.
And it does seem journaling is passe as well, the sort of journaling that involves a notebook of some sort and a pencil or pen that flows from it thoughts of the day, lessons from the Lord, prayers and funny little happenstances. Blogs are faster and built with an immediate audience, but I do wonder what my great grand-daughter will end up reading if I don’t return to paper. Or maybe she’ll just read the pdf version. Maybe she won’t know the difference.
In any case, I’ve been tinkering around with other creative pursuits. I began another basket, one that I could use to carry a casserole dish in (practicality meets artistry). I’m nearing the end of handstitching an appliqued woolen bed cover, and almost have one (one!) knitted sock finished. Some focus would be a good thing about now, but instead it’s been pick a little here, pick a little there, tooling around in Creativity LaLa Land. I’m looking forward to Creativity Boot Camp; I think I need some coaching in figuring out where I can best funnel my artistic bents.
I did finish my Masters in Holistic Nutrition, which was both a great blessing (yay! I did it!) but also a bit of a bummer because that race is run and done. I love learning! I’m already looking into classes regarding more training in herbs and also seminars in American history where I can actually read and try to understand primary source documents. Next year I plan to learn more about church history with my children (I think we need a field trip to Europe, don’t you?). Homeschooling rocks. I hope all of my children catch the *loving to learn* bug and will chase after topics they are fascinated with.

I hope you have a good evening. If my blog seems quiet, it’s because I’m trying out new things and keeping Amazon well supplied with whatever money I can dig up (after getting pained at the gas pump and grocery store) to spend time reading and learning about various things.
