It’s the end of day two of alternating bedrest with shuffling feet around the house taking care of whatever I can do in hour-long spurts. Oy, my head. I don’t even care what the propane guy thought of the lady that spoke to him with hair in disarray, pajama bottoms, tied cardigan and obvious children whooping it up in the background. Just go away, Sir, and I promise not to make my big doggie think you’re a walking pork chop.
I was just saying I couldn’t even remember the last time I was sick. And then came Easter and the cinnamon rolls. And who can eat just one? Not me! Add late nights, too much running around and my body was basically begging to be invaded by whatever bug was looking for a home base. You hoo! Over here! Immune system down! C’mon in!!
It’s always harder to take care of myself if I’m ill (one of the reasons I avoid it at all costs!). No problemo making chicken soup, mixing herbs for tea, preparing tinctures or giving a homeopathic remedy to anyone else in the family who’s sick….but me? No thank you, I think I’ll just lie in bed and wait for the world to stop spinning.
But I did manage to take a bath both days (and I even took a photo for the blog, so I’m not dead yet!) . And let me tell you, training your children to get themselves ready for the day and prepare their own breakfasts will pay in spades if you are ever in a position of illness (or, hey, just wanting a good morning soak!). In case you’re wondering, the photo shows a dry brush, baking soda and apple cider vinegar rinse for my hair, sea salt and mud-clay for the bath (great detoxing), an almond facial scrub, almond oil and essential oils of peppermint, grapefruit and eucalyptus. It was wonderful…and it didn’t cost me a hundred bucks or more (does anyone think this spa bath thing is the guy’s idea?)
Oh, and tea. I did make lots of tea. Because I’m still breathing after all.
I’ve also been resting in bed plowing through The Philosophy of Christian Education. Wow…Za. Now there’s a book if you’re a Christian (and by that I mean that you’ve repented and put your trust in Jesus Christ, and your testimony along with the fruit you bare witnesses to His grace in your life) you need to read even if you’re not a homeschooler, because you will come away with a greater understanding of what the current culture’s religion of Humanism really is and how it shows itself. Definitely worth reading. And wow, do I still carry around that humanistic dust on my feet at times. Lord, have mercy.
Wooziness is re-setting in so off to bed I go. Again. Hoping tomorrow brings relief.