I was inspired to put together my own family’s green mix after watching one of the homesteading videos in which they did the same. Her mix was far larger than mine (and also I assume way more costly) and I didn’t want to end up with more than we would use within the year, so I shot for a gallon’s worth. We’ll see how long it lasts. I also wanted to pick and choose the herbs and whatnot to put in it.
I had a lot of the herbs I wanted on hand (yay!), and measured them out on a scale. I wasn’t worried about using or even buying “powdered” because I thought it would be fresher “cut and sifted” (less air surface exposed) and my handy-dandy VitaMix would powder them anyway.

5oz spearmint: good for tummy (and especially for flavoring!)
4oz each:
chlorella: immune support, pulls mercury
alfalfa: high in minerals, good for detox
nettle: high in minerals, good for adrenals, blood purifier
dandelion: good for detoxing liver/kidneys/colon; antacid, pulls aluminum
kelp: sea minerals, pulls aluminum
horsetail: pulls lead, good for hair/nails/connective tissue
2oz each:
oatstraw: calcium, cell support, nervine
hawthorn berry: heart support
astragalus: immune support
licorice root: support for adrenal and pectoral glands
ginger root: increases circulation, fights inflammation, anticatarrhal
tumeric: pulls mercury and aluminum
marshmallow root: support for kidneys, decreasing stones
ginkgo biloba: cell and brain support
red clover blossom: lymph care, blood purifier
chia seed: omega 3’s, fiber, demulcent
catnip: analgesic, nervine
chapparal: natural antibiotic
goldenseal: antiseptic, natural antibiotic
burdock root: pulls aluminum
maca root: adrenal support
gooseberry: fights free radical damage
Ones I did not add but very well could have (some must be refrigerated and I didn’t want to deal with that). I can also use these in other kitchen meal preparation areas:
spirulina: immune support
bee pollen/royal jelly: immune support
aloe vera: immune support, destroys/expels worms & parasites, natural antibiotic
milk thistle: liver support
bilberry: eyes
dulse: sea minerals
wheat/barley grass: greens
rose hips: antioxidant
dried fruits/acerola berry/elderberry: antioxidants
MSM: hair and nails
lecithin: cell support and skin
red raspberry: muscle tone
stevia: flavor
Bulk Herb Store is a great place to buy herbs (in bulk :), very inexpensive. But if you only want a couple ounces, you could try Jean’s Greens or Rose Mountain.
Here it is! We use a heaping tablespoon in our big VitaMix smoothies.