Here in the Pacific Northwest we’ve had deluges of rain. We not only got puddles in our front pasture, we got ponds and rivers! I have to admit it’s been a blessing because I’ve been focused on getting the inside jobs completed before spring. But the peas will be late this year, already, as it’s been too muddy to really plant anything outside. For the first time, my greenhouse is heated and I’ve got tomato and onion seeds started.
We got our chicks! They are currently living in and smelling up the basement. We got ten each of buff orpingtons and ameraucanas. Our khaki campbell ducks just started laying again, but it will be good to have hen eggs again in three or four months. And speaking of poultry, we ordered ten ancona ducklings as well, hopefully to arrive in May sometime. I’d love to pick up some sebastopol geese!