We are relatively new at raising Kinder milk goats, and are enjoying it and learning a lot about the good, bad, and ugly. Within two days I witnessed both a horrible death and a wonderful birth. I’ve also had my own nose in books studying hard about what to feed, how to feed, etc etc etc. And the one thing I’ve taken is that, truly, there can’t be a *right* way to do this. It’s a matter of trying to fit our own philosophy of husbandry with the experiences of those who have gone before….but sometimes our philosophy isn’t really formed without our own experience, and those “who have gone before” disagree completely with one another. So I am thankful for God’s grace in it all, both successes and failures, and for the pleasure of raising these wonderful creatures.
This is Lee. He was the second born of triplets on January 28th, and has wonderful markings, with brown and gray in places as well as black and white.