So. Husband decided to stay put, and not relist the house in the sinking market where we’d end up with hardly enough money to do what we wanted. The market tanked so fast that our dream of rebuilding a debt free house went *splat*, so here we stay. I’m just glad that we’re in a position of being able to choose that direction rather than being forced to sell. We’re so thankful our business is still afloat, and know that it’s not because we are anything special! I wish no homemaker were ever in the position of having to sell or give up her home; these are such hard times for a lot of people (relatively speaking of course…we’re still living in the greatest nation!).
Still, I had spent the last year planning, packing, interviewing realtors and stagers, signing contracts, hiring inspectors, and taking stuff off the walls to pack. I collected dozens of boxes (still in the basement), cleared out for multiple showings, and sold off all my hens, goats, and most of my ducks. And perhaps most importantly, I had mentally and emotionally said, “hasta!” to this house and started planning our next one. And oh yeah, I lost a baby in the middle of it all. I feel like I lost that year of my life.
So I’m having a hard time “reattaching” myself to our house. I know, it’s a big “wah baby” when others are facing worse than me, but there it is. I think my husband felt a little bad about doing a complete turnaround and therefore let me keep the staging interior designer, to help me re-decorate and move stuff around, hopefully to freshen up the house and make it feel like I belong here. I see it as reloading for relisting, whenever that is (or isn’t).
Anyhow, what that means is that I’ve been completely distracted and ruthless in setting my house in physical order. Which unfortunately means I have to get my house in complete disorder to make the changes. It also means I’m probably going to need counseling after trying to pick a “butter yellow” from the 631 shades of the same color in which to (*gasp!*) paint my kitchen cabinets with. My husband, dear man, is staying out of the way.
Here’s one room I’ve done so far. This library in the loft drove me crazy. Yes, it was organized, hardcover shelf and softcover shelf and nonfiction shelf, etc. But all I saw when I went up the stairs was clutter clutter and more clutter. It was just too much information for my brain to process.

In the meantime, the children are excited. “It’s like we’re moving! But we’re not!” Not to worry, they’re still getting fed, bathed and educated (like…how to not bang into the walls when moving furniture…now that’s “real world” education!). And anyway, while they’re waiting for Mom to finish the craziness, they’re finding other stuff to do…
…like, teaching themselves Morse code…
