It’s quiet. We spent a wonderful evening with friends (my first time trying roast goose!) and later with our church body at an Eve service that was so, so worshipful and lovely. Now, the gifts are ready and cinnamon rolls for the morning are rising in the fridge. The children are blissfully asleep and my husband is yawning nearby. I cannot believe how blessed I am to have a clean, warm bed underneath the pitter-patter of raindrops on the rooftop. I know I’m not worthy of any of these people or things; I’m not any better than any other woman who goes without them. I’m thankful for my life.
Christmas to me is a time of reflecting how God kept His promise and sent the Messiah to redeem mankind from the biggest problem there is: the human heart. All evil, all sin, all heartbreak…is always traced back to (no…not overpopulation….no, not global warming…) to sinful and selfish and self-righteousness people just like me, to the ME in the mirror, even. And yet, He still came. And so I rejoice that what I could not do (save myself from me), He could. And did. And does. What kind of love is this?
It’s also a time for me to reflect that I am, in history, on the other side of His coming. I can look back and read about it and joy over His birthday. But it also stokes a soberness that He is coming again, and soon. He said so. So as I ponder and consider how ready I am for Christmas tomorrow, I do wonder how ready I am for the second coming, the real tomorrow that will show up unannounced and catch us all by surprise. The decorations are up, but how is my faith? The gifts are wrapped, but how goes it with my heart? Am I so consumed about what’s in my living room or on my table or how this life I’m in is going, that I allow my spiritual wick to burn low regarding the life to come? Am I keeping the wick trimmed with diligent Bible reading, prayer, and service….or it that wick just pumping out a lot of smoke? Christmas is a good time for me to ponder these things.
I am abundantly thankful for all of the merry Christmases I’ve had, but I know that God isn’t concerned with how (or if, for that matter) I celebrate Christmas. His focus is always the state of my heart. My prayer is that He will give me what I really want: a heart solely devoted to Him, untainted with sin. And if He tarries in bringing it about, I know He’s waiting for me whenever I cross the river to His waiting arms, cleansed completely and totally. And then it will truly be Christmas, and a very merry one indeed, every day for all of eternity!
A very happy Christmas day for all of my sweet readers, and a sincere desire that the joy will run deep in your hearts for gratitude in it all. A wonder it is, this Babe, this King of Kings!
Rejoicing with you,