So, I’m at the market on a dark rainy afternoon (no, really, it’s 4:30….and dark!), and wandering around in awe at all of the wonderfully amazing food choices just a decision away from my cart. I mean, really. Really. Don’t you ever just stand in gratefulness that you can pretty much have anything you want in any season you want at any time you want in any store you want? I can tell you that if we had to depend on my garden for December eating…well…there ain’t much!
Anyhow, there is a LOT of food offered that (1) I’ve never tried and (2) wouldn’t know what to do with it even if I wanted to try it. Asian food intrigues me, but their produce is beyond my knowledge of how to prepare any of it. I find Thai food amazing–in restaurants. I love the flavors of Mexican foods and yet there’s a whole lot of things in cans and packages down the “International” food aisle that I just shrug my shoulders at. Don’t even get me started on the meat department what with their livers and sweetbreads and I don’t know what-else.
So today I pondered at the fishmongers looking at all of the cases (at least half a dozen) of oyster varieties. Oysters! Those things that look like what we used to pick at off the fishing pier. The fishmonger wasn’t busy so I asked him, “are these things really any good?”
Well, a good 10 minutes of instruction, a couple of bags worth of two varieties of oysters, and a new kitchen tool later, I brought home something new to try. My husband had to crack open the computer just to figure out how to open these things properly. I figured, well, doesn’t anything with melted butter, minced garlic and a splash of white wine taste good?
I have to say the visual looked disgusting. It didn’t help matters that my 10yo son was reading and sharing all about the real, living body parts I was going to chomp down on. But still, butter and garlic….
