Ruby (now 2y, 4mo) is really getting up on her feet! I waited a whole month to get her first smile when she was a baby and since then I have been so cheered to see her learning and growing and thriving. I ought to mention I think she is thriving because she is not in any government-sponsored special needs program that whisks her away from us on a regular basis. It’s amazing what a lot of love and a lot of time at home has done for this child. I am glad for the mothers who have found programs like that useful (because, of course, we all just want what is best for our children), but I have to say….I am equally glad I just said, “no, it’s not for us.” Sometimes it’s hard to be the odd momma, going against the grain, stepping out of the box, rubbing the wrong way (etc etc). But, sometimes, times like this make it all worthwhile, listening to the Lord and plugging up my ears to the world. I’m sure Ruby will be walking in no time! I’m so thankful Ruby stays home!!