As I write this, I have a lovely woman in my living room teaching my 8 and 12 year old daughters how to crochet. They are finishing up little purses so that on Monday we can all go to the basket supply store in the city to gather goodies to weave baskets. It just sounds like fun!
Speaking of fun, these two little girls baked a belated anniversary cake for my husband and I last week. They decorated with playmobiles all of the members of our family doing various (realistic!) tasks. And yes, the cake was delicious! They served it up with china, old photographs from our wedding, and romantic music. So sweet.

While my friend painted, another friend and I worked on our sewing. She had her children here, too. There were (1…2…) 17 children happily playing here! I finished up the dress for my 8 year old using a “jelly roll” of precut strips. Here is a place you can get the pattern.

The day was full of people and pleasures and projects and play. What a delight to be home. I wouldn’t want to trade my apron for a business suit. Ever. Truly.