Other than a crazed baking marathon (bagels, cinnamon rolls, yeast and banana breads, cookies, pizzas….hmm…I think I found where I got my five extra pounds…), I’ve been picking at little projects here and there while holed up inside as it pours rain outside. I don’t have extra money for fresh supplies, so I’m going through my craft books and fabric stashes. I made this quilt top in only two days! Most of the fabric is reproduction Civil War.

And today I made a little case for my sewing needles. It will come in handy as I usually take some sort of handwork along with me when I need to go out. It feels nice to choose some easy and quick projects to keep my hands and mind occupied while I wait for the phone to ring and a buyer to come make an offer on our home.

Speaking of projects, a sweet woman at our church gifted me with her very nice serger machine! I was very amazed, and of course very, very grateful. A serger has been on my “someday I’d like” list for a long time. God knew. Why He blesses me so, I don’t know. But I am thankful.
Blessings (and good night),