Our family decided to take part in our community’s farmer’s market last Saturday for opening day. We didn’t have a lot to sell, but it was still a great experience. I had to come up with a name for our farm (if you can call our mini-homestead a “farm”), so I named it Sweet Pea Farm. I figured I grew a lot of those, both in the floral and babe varieties. 🙂
What really drew people to our little set up was the cages of baby bunnies. My daughter sat and allowed all sorts of people and children to interact with these sweet animals. Thankfully, the rabbits didn’t get too stressed with all of the dogs coming over to visit. And there were a lot of dogs.

We sold out of everything except some herbs. I took them home intending to dry them but decided I really didn’t need to as I still had dried seasonings left from last autumn. Other than the chilly weather, our first experience with an open market was positive, and I was very pleased with how well my children interacted with all of the people they came into contact with. Socialization? Check.