So I’m liking the new “Instead” theme I have going on. Now that I’ve decluttered my online life a bit, I’m finding a lot of things to do “instead”. Currently, I’m beading a hundred-and-so bookmarks for gifts at a ladies retreat, ala Above Rubies. I cannot wait to go and be surrounded by a hundred (and so) women who respect their husbands, keep their homes and love love love their children….or so they try! No eyeball rolling, muffin-topping, man-hating for two full days. Staying up so late that laughter mixes with tears only because I’m too stinkin‘ tired to even get the joke but it is SO hilarious. Reminding myself that enjoying the beauty of Biblical womanhood and motherhood is a true blessing. Worshipping God through song and hearing the testimonies of many, many who-would’ve-thought ladies. Bliss.
I’ve been making bookmarks for these ladies for a few years now. This year I decided to go with beads. Oy my eyes. I like the stainless steel butterflies, new creature and all.