The frogs are newly noisy in the evenings so even though the calendar disagrees, I say spring has sprung! When I am able to meander outside during the day, I find myself looking for signs of life, whether they include bulbs pushing up through the soil or buds ripening on the fruit trees. I also find myself more aggressive in shooing the hens out of my kitchen garden because if my garlic gets dug up there is going to be major amounts of chicken pot pie on the stovetop, pronto!
I do have some areas in the gardens that cause me pause. I’m just not sure if particular trees and whatnot are going to pull through and live, much less thrive. When I gently bend back the twigs, some are, well, green and “bendy”……and some just sadly snap off. So I just keep them in the ground, tending to them, waiting. Waiting to see if life prevails.
This wee magnolia tree I rescued from an overgrown patch of woods last fall. Lichen is growing all over it (is that bad?) but several branches have buds. I think. I’m almost sorry I moved it when I recall the beautiful white flowers that originally came forth through the brambles. I’m waiting to see what happens.