In my mental calendar, January is the month for finishing up inside projects because February will show itself quickly and suddenly I will be in the middle of garden planning and seed starting. I will also have had enough of *staying inside* and will be pruning, raking, cleaning up from wind storms and hunting for any sign of spring. I know this about myself.
And yet, I also know that I never completely finish up everything in January, because what fun is that? At the end of the month, I know I will still have unfinished knitting projects. Which is all right, because around these parts, it still rains in February.
S’ok. I can still *garden* inside. Doesn’t this fabric look LUSCIOUS? Check out those beans! And those peaches! Figs! I can’t wait to show you what this is going to be.
All of our children love doing art and handwork. I love to encourage them, but admittedly find the discipline of sending them to clean up afterwards not so fun. In any case, the 3 and 5 year olds played with oil pastels yesterday. I love these crayons! They are so fat, so bright, so smudgy beautiful.

“Can you tell me where the jump rings are?”
(wide eyed)
“You know, the beading supplies?”
“Oh! Let me see…aisle 12B….hmmm…(he starts walking me there)…now what did you want? Hmm….it must be here somewhere….what do they look like?…..“

As for me, I have several *almost finished* projects to share soon. It’s good for the children to see that mommy has a creative side, also. I don’t stress about getting any of my projects done in a certain timeframe; I just pick at them here and there when I can. After all, if something isn’t done in time for this Valentine’s Day, it will probably be finished just in time for next year’s! Fifteen or thirty minutes of drawing or knitting a day adds up to well over an hour at the end of the week. I know if I sent my children away during the day I’d get a lot more of these finished, but….right now, they are the masterpieces in progress 🙂
I’m leaving comments open again. Managing my time with blogging is an artform as well. I need to step carefully.