After my stint of garlic powder making, I was totally hooked on making our own seasonings. Never mind that most of our garlic powder now comes from China (and this writer makes some interesting observations about that); the color, smell and flavor of freshly made seasonings is out of this world. This only matters if (a) you like to eat good tasting food and (b) you’re concerned about what’s in the food you’re eating…and I happen to care about both.
So I decided to make onion powder in the same manner.
These are the onions from my garden that I started out with. And no, that’s not just the photo making them look small. My hens got into my garden last summer and scratched them all up! I supplemented them for this project with some organic yellow onions from the market, which I bought for 98 cents a pound. I know I could have save two dimes a pound by not buying organic, but seriously, what is the point of that? I figure I can find that much change in the parking lot if I looked for it. I can’t remember exactly, but I probably used around five other large onions.
After the pieces were brittle, I put them into the processor again and ran it until it was powdered. I had to watch for the cloud of dust that needed to settle before popping the lid off. Then, I put the whole batch through a sieve.
Take a look at this parsley. I sure wish the photo was better:
Anyhow, I got a recipe for Italian Seasoning online and mixed it all up. Other than the pepper, everything else was dehydrated in the kitchen. In case you’re wondering, I use an Excalibur Dehydrator. I love it! If you know someone who has one collecting dust in their garage, I bet you could very nicely ask them if they’d take $20 for it. They are also a find in garage sales.
This is my Italian Seasoning mix. It looks beautiful, and if I could make a scratch and smell onto your computer, I would. I’ve really had fun with this.