I’m really not opposed to buying soap from the store, but I get satisfaction in understanding the process of how to make it and also in doing it “my way”. Also, I get an amazing amount of soap from a short stint in the kitchen! I like just following directions and recipes rather than trying to figure out proportions on my own, so I used this book in this project:
Here I am just mixing up the lye into the raw milk that I prepared (by heating, then freezing, then thawing). I had to keep it stirred and even in the ice bath, the temperature never fell below 93 degrees. Amazing how that lye works! I did not even attempt this with my 3 or 5 year old around; it’s too dangerous for “oopsies“.
After a minute of blending, I also added ground oatmeal, dried orange, and neroli essential oil. I think I need to add a lot more essential oil next time as the heat evaporated some of it. The mixture “traced” pretty quickly, easily within two minutes. That means the mix left a thickened trail, as you can see here: