No one wants to lose anything: time, money, space, freedom, peace. But unless the trial is upon us, we are hardly compelled to answer to potential challenges. For example, we might not read a godly book on marriage because everything is so pleasant right now. Or read our Bibles because we sense no need for His wisdom–all is currently under our control, or comfortable. Or forgo that extra helping of dessert because we are not ill. But little by little, those seemingly insignificant small choices add up and suddenly we are caught unawares, as a lighthouse without a lamp and a tsunami upon us.
We cannot in good conscience say, “We didn’t know…” so instead those times turn to lament and grief, regrets that begin “If only…” or “I wish I had…”
Please, oh please, prepare your pantry.
Read your Bible daily, and have a firm understanding of the sovereignty of God before disaster strikes. Even if a trial comes upon you unexpectedly (you didn’t know that tree was going to fall on your van…), Jesus will be your firm foundation and a place from which to understand what most people cannot answer in times of tribulation: WHY. Memorize verses to have them at hand, in your heart, and in your head. Don’t simply rely on, “Oh, I’ll have my Bible when I need it…”
Cultivate a good relationship with your husband and children, daily. Speak words of life, encouraging words, words of truth. Little cutting jabs–a slice here, a slice there–add up over time and the hemorraige will break, bleeding your loved one to death.
And prepare your household for when the rains come down and the floods come up. No one in this fallen world escapes sin, pain, danger, and sorrow. In as wealthy a nation as we are, we have no excuse not to be prepared to the best of our abilities for catastrophies we know we are at risk of, whether flood, earthquake or tornado. Whatever you do, make it part of your weekly work flow to prepare: finances, food, tools, clothing, and more. There are many helps to lead you if you are overwhelmed. I personally like and am working through The Prepper’s Blueprint. It’s shameful that more than three years later I am not further along in it, but little by little, I will get there.
If you need a helping hand with food, I really appeciate Thrive Life freezedried foods. This company has made it super easy for me to not only prepare for emergencies, but to learn how to prepare and eat with their foods. I can’t tell you what a blessing it’s been! If you need a little help, feel free to watch this video I put together for you.
You might also enjoy (and find value in) my husband’s point of view, as we banter about Thrive Life on episode 063 of A Happy Home Podcast in the video below.
Here are some jar meal recipes to pre-prepare: from More Thrive and Rainy Day Food Storage. One idea is to find a recipe you know your family enjoys already, and then buy the grocery cans to make up a dozen or so of those jars. Easy! And little by little, month by month, your pantry becomes full.
Whatever your week looks like, I pray you’ll be able to do one small thing to prepare your pantry: not just your kitchen, but your heart and your family and your home. Not only will you gain peace in the preparation, but you will not lose tomorrow what you have today.
For those interested in Thrive Life, the FIRST TWO people who join me as consultants I will reward with $150 worth of food for $50, just for joining! There are no sales quotas, so whether you want to make this a business or not, those benefits are still yours for you and your family.
Contact me right away because this offer ENDS JULY 31st. And here are the JULY SALES to take advantage of.