This wasn’t supposed to be a book. It was supposed to be a short little bookLET to gift to my wonderful patrons–the patrons who will keep A Happy Home Media running and publishing. But as I wrote, the bookLET grew, and pages and pages later, here we are.
And, yet, it’s still not a “book”. For some, it will be a lifeline. For others, a little help along the way.
It’s not a “quick read”. It’s a helping hand from a mom who not only has been there, done that, but is still there, doing that.
It’s not one more thing to do, a project to complete, or a rule of life. It’s a peek into the practices of another mom, and other moms, and with that, a nudge. Or two.
There’s no pressure here, no demands, no judgement or goals. Practices is simply a meaningful map to counterbalance the culture of rush and to offer hope that, yes, there is an easier way than having your life lead you.
Your life is a gift. Live it.
PRACTICES is available for free to all of our new patrons for the month of July. It will also be available for preorder on Amazon at that time. Watch this space for updates, including live links upcoming. We covet your prayers for a smooth publishing.
Blessings (and excitement! Whee!)