Since the miscarriage, I’ve been thinking lately how my life is changing seasons. I’m no longer the young woman taking my fertility and youth for granted. I’m also no longer the girl who was so challenged by what other people thought of me, it guided what I did, said and wore. I’m finally comfortable being the person that some people love (xo!), and the same person that others hate (xo to you, anyway!). I am learning to become more content every day with who God has made me to be, and it is a lovely and restful place to be.
So it seems appropriate as I think on things that the leaves outside are about all blown from the trees, and the smell of winter is in the air. Fall is bowing out, winter coming in. And God is so gracious in it all, directing and orchestrating changes both in creation and in me.

One thing I’m doing more of is reading and writing snail mail letters. I love getting mail in the mailbox! It’s so lovely to see my writer’s handwriting, to steep a cup of tea and then just focus on my friend and her words. It’s so different than reading a blog-click-reading a blog-click-reading a blog… I know, I’m a dying breed. It’s ok. I don’t mind what others think 😉

How funny! I just re-did my schedule yesterday so I could have a scheduled time for tea and writing letters. I used to have it several years ago but let it slide as I had more children. I realized that is where I was losing myself. All day long I was teaching, cleaning, or reading on the computer (getting myself all worked up over something or another) when I should allow a few minutes in the afternoon for tea and rest; perhaps even thanking the LORD for beloved long distant friends! Letters are a dying thing but I hope to be one person who keeps it up. I don't care about emails any longer. They don't have the same touch, especially when you get a lovely letter with a tea packet it it ;-)Much love to you and yours,Ouida Gabriel
Love your posts. Thank you so much for sharing your heart. I love that you played Horseopoly – we did, too. Keep sharing. Thank you again. DeDe