I know I’ve been quiet here. I’m finding myself stepping away from a lot of things, activities, and even people, so it makes sense that other areas would get a little choppy too. It’s like I’ve been throwing everything up into the air and just standing there waiting to see how things would fall into place around me. I figure, if it worked for the Big Bang, my life will systematically get organized that way also (hmmmm…..).
I am finding, though, that during this time of rethinking and reorganizing and regrouping that words are coming. I’m just not sure if I’m ready to share them yet.
So. In the meantime…..want to see what I’ve done with my craft room/office since I last shared it? What you need to know first is that I took over the “guest room” that wasn’t used more than half a dozen times a year. Also, this house I’m living in is enormous so I no longer have to use my kitchen table for everything…but I’ve done that too. Thirdly, most of what you see is decorating with what I already have/had on hand. I even raided my “girlhood stuff” boxes.
What you see here is a greatly reduced collection of craft books. I got rid of all of the books I didn’t use or care for anymore and kept the ones I loved. Instead of my eyes glassing over all of the choices now, I’m eager to pull one out and feast. I also pulled out all of my hoops and filled them with fabrics I loved. Now I look up from my desk and my eyes love what they see. I just added a small rocking armchair ($39 at the thrift store!) so my cozy book corner is complete.
Here is something I am putting together with some of that fabric: a table runner.
On top of the shelf are some things I love: a poem given to me from a friend who died of breast cancer, an origami crane from another friend, a crochet piece my mom did, figurines from my girlhood, shells to remind me of my love for the salt water, and even a picture of me. That’s there as a reminder to be nice to the little girl I still have inside.
On my windowsill I put out all of the little houses I collected as a small child. I loved these little English houses; I lived around them growing up. The post office was my favorite (not surprisingly!); I have TWO of those. I wonder….don’t you have stuff just stashed in boxes from growing up? Why not get some of it out where you can see it?
The rug on my floor was made by my husband’s grandmother. Oh how I wished I had known that woman! My little farmhouse desk sits behind it, with my wee red stool. It’s a Balimo, so my body dances around even when working on the computer. That company sponsors my husband’s podcast.
Next to my desk is a red rolling tray I picked up at another vintage market. On it is an old typewriter, and the two cases below house my Singer sewing machine and also my sewing notions.
And now for a dose of reality: what’s behind the closet door! It’s all of that miscellaneous *stuff* that I and my kids want to craft with but I don’t want them in front of me all the time.
There is a hutch with various things I like to use and look at: colored threads on wooden spools, wool felts, fabrics, hand dyed yarns and ribbons. Sometimes I just buy a little fat quarter or some of a fabric or a couple yards of ribbon I just like.
There’s the hutch by my girlhood desk. My bulletin board is just full of things and pictures and people that inspire me.
On my desk are pottery spice jars I love but don’t use in the kitchen, along with my Paddington Bear. He’s my muse, another piece of my girlhood.
In case you’re curious, this is the little painting I did there one night. Instead of blogging 🙂
One of my favorite things is on the floor, and I use it for a doorstop.
So that’s my craft room/office space! If you hang around this blog long enough, I’ll be sure to show you my kitchen remake. I’ve painted all of the top cabinets and now it’s time for what I call “phase 2”. Here’s a tease:
I hope you enjoyed your Sunday! I had a lovely afternoon baking (and eating) a chocolate cake, taking photos and sharing them with you. Now I’ve got to to out and trim some goat hooves so I will catch you all later.

Beautiful space! I love the hoop art. And the rug is beautiful, makes me want to try making a rug again, although I’ve never made anything that big or beautiful.
Thank you, Anna! The hoops and rug make me happy, too 🙂