1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you; That ye may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that ye may have lack of nothing.
The driveway climbing up to our house needs clearing. The first rains of autumn have fallen and with it, small branches, leaves, and abandoned nests, cluttering up the skinny road snaking through the evergreens and maples. I send my teenaged son out to do it. I hear him make his way down the hill, slowly blowing all of the debris back into the woods. Suddenly, I feel old. Like too old to do the job myself, like I’ve become one of those folks who need to call on the young’uns to do the physical labor now. When he returns, I tell him so. He reminds me I am–after all–about to become a grandmother, so it figures. Well, maybe it does.
I remember carrying him in my womb, and how at the end of the pregnancy I rode in the passenger seat of our low Honda Civic while my husband flew down the hilly gravel road. Back and forth, daily, for ultrasound stress tests to negotiate one more day to wait past our due date. Despite all of the rattling of the roads, that boy managed to stay right where he was for another eighteen days.
And that was the time I wrote my first blog post.
And now this is the time I write my last one.
It has long been time for me to work more quietly, perhaps obviously so as my efforts to continue here have been limp at best. My blog has become that yellowed taped up box in the corner of the attic; important enough to keep, but neglected enough to testify to its true importance in this season of my life. So I am hauling it out of the dark, brushing it off, blessing it for the companionship its given me over the years, and letting it go.
To do what? I’m not altogether sure I have anything in particular to do, other than what I’ve already been doing: spending time with Tom, raising children, homemaking, gardening, feeding my family and homeschooling. I am still insatiably curious: I’ve been writing poetry, art journaling, painting, horse riding, and weaving. I’m still studying my Bible, and taking a multitude of online classes. I even wrote a book (four years ago!) and maybe…maybe…someday it will get to market. Or not. All I know is that today, the sky cleared up enough for me to send the boy out to clear the road. I don’t borrow trouble from tomorrow.
I don’t know what happens technically from here. If I take the blog down, does the podcast disappear? Does it matter? I don’t know. All I know is that I just needed to write one more post with a decent goodbye attached instead of disappearing into “I wonder whatever happened to”.
If you’d like to stay in touch, you can follow me on Instagram; I’m currently there mostly for the creative outlet. If you’ve followed me long enough, you know how I dip into and out of projects; I’m not promising I’ll stay there forever or that I’ll never start another blog again.
Seasons come and seasons go. I just wanted to thank you all so very much for your kind readership over the years, and for encouraging me in the faith. I am still keeping my eyes on Jesus, and I pray that you, too, will find your peace and deepest joy in doing the same.
Many blessings,

Though I’m always encouraged to see you live out your priorities, I will miss reading and interacting with you. After 12+ years, you seem more a friend than a blogger. May we meet again one day : )
Would love that <3
I will miss you! Your posts have been very encouraging to me. I admire that you put your husband and children first. What is most important to the Lord. God bless you and your family!
Thank you most kindly, Joyce.
I follow someone on YouTube.. Her name is Sarah. Tribe of Many. Lovely young woman. About to deliver baby number 11. She homeschools and is exhausted. So many times I want to tell Sarah about my friend Keri Mae, who might have wonderful words of wisdom for her. It would be sad if the blog dissolved into cyberspace. It is a legacy to your children not yet grown and grandchildren not yet born. You were a safe place for me to go when I was lonely. Surrounded by people, yet lonely. The human condition. Thank you for hanging on to the blog as long as you did. You are a blessing. Be sure and let us know when that grand baby comes. You are going to love being in the grandma club. Take care.
Thank you, Sandy <3 Always happy to keep in touch; email me anytime! I am also still writing to pen pals from my book PRESENT (my mailing address is in the back). You've been a real blessing to me, too. You're a woman of real encouragement and the Sarah's of the world need you, too xo
Many blessings, Keri! I stopped blogging at the end of 2020–not a ceremonious end, but just ran out of things to say and chose not to force it. Plus, our youngest “graduated,” and since the emphasis of the blog was homeschooling,…and yes, Instagram is where I spend time, too. I slowed down to read a post or two, and didn’t realize that your oldest baby was married, liing in TX, and about to have her own babies! WOW!! It has been a minute, huh?? May whatever you put your hands to prosper according to God’s Word. Thanks for sharing over the years.
It HAS been a minute! You have definitely been a kindred blogging spirit over the years, and it does seem the right time to let it go. I truly hope we get to meet in person one day! Many blessings to you, too, Belinda <3
Wow! I just “found” you last year and now your moving on. Thank you so much for your encouragement in emails, posts and podcasts. Like Esther of the Bible you were in my life “for such a time as this”. It is clear you were so for many others too. Thank you and God bless your new chapters of life.
Thank you, JoAnna. The website and podcasts should be up for a bit. Feel free to join my list for any future endeavors, and you’re welcome to email or write anytime 🙂 Many blessings to you and yours; Jesus is faithful to lead <3
Hi, I am contemplating a new season of life and I just found your podcast. I’ve listened to 2 episodes and I really like it and I so appreciated your perspective. Thank you. Today I decided to log on here to get signed up for your email feed (I wonder if that will continue given what I just read in your latest blog…). Anyway, whatever happens I’ll continue to listen to all the podcast episodes that are available, and come here to read your archived blog posts. I’m sorry to hear you are going (for now?) but I’m grateful I was led to you and that there appears to be a wealth of past material for me to enjoy and learn from. Thank you and all the best to you.
Thank you, Stacy. I do hope you find blessing and encouragement in all of the work I’ve done here. God is faithful and a very present help in all of our seasons <3
God bless you KeriMae, I have enjoyed reading your blog and listening to your podcast for many years. You are an inspiration. I “only” have three children and when I find raising children and homeschooling difficult I often think of you…well what about KeriMae with her nine children and all the various things she does… Lots of love from an Aussie mum who dearly loves the Lord Jesus x
God bless you also, Lynda. Raising children and homeschooling can still have its difficulties all these years later. But we keep our eyes on Jesus and just show up faithfully day by day., don’t we? He is faithful to lead, and I’m so grateful. Sending you a prayer today, that your joy may be full and your weary head at the end of the day know a sweet slumber.
Blessings to you! Your blog and podcast have encouraged me through the ups and down of my life. Thank you for serving and sharing your heart.
Blessings to you, too, Melanie. I’m thankful to the Lord for the encouragement you’ve received! He is so good to us <3