Isaiah 30:15 For thus saith the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength…
Saving faith upon my knees
Chipped childhood desk a setting for peace
Rising I am born anew
Grace covered, blood boughten, freedom too.
Granted trust in the Holy Book
I see, I see, wherever I look!
Scales off, the sinner set free
Awestruck, childlike, the Physician’s marquee.
Questioning, seeking a mentor for me
Head patted, left to seek generally
Denomination, predestination, pondering
Theology, end times, wandering.
Finding no fit I find myself scarce
So dig into the Word to find the Truth bare
A follower of no personality I find
But Jesus alone in walk and in mind.
Humble He finds me when I look to Him
Alone without ‘cumbrance of pride or whim
Just my Savior, my Bible, my self to His throne
As in the beginning, heart wooed back to home.
note: see the Christian Writer’s Blog Chain for more thoughts on coming home

Enjoyed this very much, Keri! Glad you're part of the blog chain.
I like this! Yes, Jesus calls us to be one, not scattered into denominations. And we're to look to his word to find what this means, as you have said in your poem. Christian only!
what a beautiful blog site and a beautiful Precious Jewel too….the Lord bless you and your hubby real good as you bring your family up in the Lord.biiig hugJayBee
I like the last 2 stanzas most of all. All too much Bible interpretation comes from "what my church says" or "what I think." When I study and teach the Bible, my goal is to focus on "what does the Bible say?" Church traditions and personal theologies can be wrong, but pure Bible never is.Welcome to the blog chain.~ VT
Enjoyed your poetic call to unity. Thanks for sharing it.
Nice. 🙂
Lovely peom, Keri Mae! Beautiful last line: "a heart wooed back to home." Such peace, such longing, such love!
Beautiful poem, Keri Mae! Great first post to the chain. :)While we are called to be in fellowship with other believers (Hebrews 10:25), church is no substitute for private time with God, praying, worshiping and studying His Word.
We got ourselves another poet!". . . the Physician's marquee." Wow. I think I could do a couple of blog posts on that image alone. Beautifully rendered, that.You're clearly going to be an excellent addition to the blog chain. I'm thrilled you're with us.Welcome aboard!
Thank you all so very much for your kind words and the very warm welcome. I am blessed.
This poem reads very well. I found I needed to read it slowly, because you have packed a lot of thought and meaning into each line.Well done.
Very nice. Brought to mind the "Pilgrims Progress" when I was reading it.
Welcome to the blog chain. Another poet to paint lovely word pictures in short phrases. A blessing to be sure!
Forgive me, Keri. I am so behind in my comments. Forgive me. a lovely poem. I love this, "Humble He finds me when I look to Him…heart wooed back to home." Beautiful. Bless you!
I loved this stanza:Humble He finds me when I look to HimAlone without 'cumbrance of pride or whimJust my Savior, my Bible, my self to His throneAs in the beginning, heart wooed back to home.Even Paul, who wrote so much of the New Testament, determined to know only 'Jesus Christ, and Him crucified'. How often we let denominational differences divide us, when we should be looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith?Thanks, Keri, for your words of wisdom.