I had the most delicious lunch. It was a baked potato with olive oil, salt & pepper, cut tomato, and a salad with raw red onion and sauteed garlic scapes with oyster mushrooms. The dressing was divine. Here is the recipe for the dressing blend, adapted from 7-Day Detox Miracle:
- 1/2 cup sunflower seeds
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
- 2 TB garlic powder (this was strong, but I happen to love garlic)
- 1 TB miso
- a large handful of fresh basil
I didn’t even bother thinning it out with water. I just mixed it into the big bowl of salad.
It is day four of a detox for me. I’ve been nursing or pregnant for over a decade and never felt comfortable with doing this before. But now that my fertility is slowing down (that is, I’m neither pregnant nor nursing), I thought it good to take advantage of the time to clean out.
I am using the book linked above as a guide, but from the beginning I gave myself permission to do, or not, whatever I could do. I gathered my herbs and supplements, which are:
- the Supermom multivitamin
- cod liver oil
- probiotics
- detox herb blend
- intestinal herb blend
- essiac tincture
- a liver cleansing tincture
- a detox tea
- I also take an adrenals supplement I got from my naturpath.
The first day was a fast day, except for supplements and lots (and lots) of lemon water. I was surprised that I felt rather good all day. I guess I had enough in my gut to keep my digestive system going. Other than habit (“I usually eat something about now….”), and a short hunger pain around 11:00am (which I satisfied with lots of lemon water), the day went by. One thing that did happen was that around noonish I began feeling phlegm sliding down the back of my throat, and I swallowed that all day long. It felt disgusting, but I also felt like my lymph nodes were cleaning house, so I just kept going. I was feeling rather tired by 7:30 that night, and after a wet sock treatment (I put on warm wet socks) I was asleep by 8:30.
Second day I was up at 3am with the dogs barking, and never went back to sleep. I spent time praying, read my Bible, wrote letters, and got my day started. About 10am I started to feel a bit woozy, and remembering that I need to be a mom for my children and not a zombie, I prepared a 10oz smoothie: a young coconut with its water, a banana, rice protein powder and a handful of beet greens. I was able to fast the rest of the day without any trouble, and got an hour nap. My head began to feel a little funny that night; not a headache, exactly. I couldn’t tell if it was because I was detoxing or if I was just tired. I did the wet sock treatment again and went to bed at 10:40pm.
Third day (yesterday), I began to eat meals again, although I have to admit I probably could have fasted another day. I was feeling really good. The first couple of days my hands were feeling rather cold, but day three found them normal temperature. I also noticed that my hands were SO soft, very supple and smooth. My skin everywhere was (and is) soft. Even my husband is amazed. For breakfast I had a smoothie of a young coconut with its water, blueberries, mango, banana, and powdered greens. I had an artichoke with lemon flax oil. Lunch was what you see at the top of this blog, and supper was falafel, brown rice, and a veggie soup with bean threads.
I had so much energy yesterday that I stayed up way too late, close to midnight.
I have four more days of rice, fruit and vegetables (with supplements), and then I’ll start adding other foods such as egg, dairy, and meat slowly. I’m looking forward to testing myself with these foods to see if I have sensitivities or real allergies.
This is long enough, but I have more to share about the idea of detox. In the meantime, have a blessed day!

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