I’m really enjoying my drawing class. It’s part of the “what did I like to do when I was a girl” kick that I’ve been on.
This first drawing is an artichoke (I hope you can tell!). It’s just a line drawing. What I discovered later is that I need smoother paper to draw on!
This was another line drawing, a bouquet of autumn leaves. I really tried to show the curling and curves.
This was a cosmos flower I plucked from the back garden, and my first attempt at trying to do some shading.
And this is my silly yellow onion that finally taught me that I need better paper!
All that to say, it’s been fun. Nice to concentrate on drawing something for an hour (or two!), focusing all of my attention onto something God created and noticing all of the beauty it in all. Drawing is training my eyes to see.
Blessings on your endeavors,

Those are so pretty! I would frame them just like that.
Thank you!