“Where do you get the time?” In this podcast, I share how I organize my time so that I have the time to knit, sew, quilt, write, and do a host of other things that I enjoy doing. If you want to find the time, laying a foundation in ordering your day is key.
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The 3 A’s of organizing your day:
Attitude Decide how you’re going to approach being a wife and homemaker: as drugery or a gift. And learn to smile!
It takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can build a home.
the A List What are your priorities? How to find out what your priorities should be:
- Ask God. And read His answer in His Word.
- Ask your husband.
- Take thought of your children’s needs.
- Focus on your home; cultivate a vision.
There is nothing like staying home for real comfort.
Jane Austen
Arrangement Some simple ideas of how to organize your time:
- Pray and schedule your week, tagging each day with its own “big idea”…errand day, desk day, maintenance clean day, deep clean/project day(s), family day(s)
- Pray and schedule your day. God will always give you enough time to do everything He desires you to do. Meals, naps, playtime, schoolwork, chores, etc.
Additional Tips:
- Use creativity to fit your routines to your needs and family.
- Do think about what your children are to be doing at different points of the day.
- Make sure you have time with your husband.
- Make time to care for yourself, spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally…
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help!
Some recommended resources that have helped me:
Flylady.com If you’re new to the whole idea of dividing your week into task-oriented days, check out this wonderful website to gain control over your homekeeping.
Titus2.com I have been creating and using a schedule for our household for many, many years. I have NEVER been able to keep it *perfectly*. But, that being said, I love Teri Maxwell’s emphasis on seeking the Lord, and I have been tenacious about setting and using routines in my home. It’s not about being enslaved to a schedule; it’s about finding liberty and time to do all that the Lord would be pleased for me to do.
Don’t give up!! You have one of the most important tasks in the entire world! That is why great sacrifice is called for. But oh….just wait…your children WILL rise and call you blessed. Keep at it and stay close to Jesus always. You can do this.
Isaiah 40:11 He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.

I have listened to this podcast for what may be the 25th time! I keep trying to bring my home and our time into order. Our home is not utter chaos but it needs a routine as do my children. I have four ages 8, 6, 3 and 7 months. Meals, play, homeschooling and chores are all part of every day but so much time is unscheduled. There is a lot of floating. It feels organic and most of the time my children are so engrossed in imaginative play (together) that I hate to interrupt them. So much easier for me to just go about quietly whilst they whittle the day away playing. Ah…but so little gets accomplished this way. By that I mean actual, organized time with me helping, teaching, training…
Only God holds the answers for how to pull us/me out of this rut but your podcast is full of wisdom and I find that each time I listen, I learn something new and something else gets into my heart that did not penetrate before.
I love how you point listeners to the Word first. He is our source! Then, you guide us to consult with our husbands. Hard to do but something that we must.
I would LOVE to hear yet another podcast on your days…specifically in the area of homeschooling and what that looks like at your house. I am sure you consider many things to be home education from reading good books to milking the goats but that aside, what about the actual pen to paper time. When do you make that happen and how do you get past the “I don’t wannas”? ๐
I have been a long time reader/listener. I took a long break from reading/commenting as I have been trying to limit my time on the internet. I am with you in seeing it as a DISTRACTION!
I have to say though that I find your posts and podcasts in particular to be so helpful and soothing to my heart and mind in this crazy world. When darkness seems to be taking over, your calm, sweet voice filling my kitchen as I wash dishes brings me back to a place where good still is.
Thank you so much for taking the time to share and minister to mothers. Such an important calling we have and you have gone a step further than that to mentor and bless others in that calling.
Hope you have a great day!
You bless me, Rebecca. Thank you so much.
found your podcast in a search, found the blog – answer to my prayer- looking for something to help me organize and get structured – this is it!!
Thank you, Andi ๐
Hello! I listened to your podcast this morning while I was getting ready for church, and I just wanted to stop in to tell you that I really have been loving your podcasts! I found you kind of by accident a couple months ago (I think I searched “home” or “homeschool” or something on the podcast app on my phone and yours came up). I love your ideas for ordering your day, and I hope to use some of your tips this week! I also appreciate how you are straightforward with Scripture (in a good way!) Anyway, I plan to keep listening (and yeah, I started with the earliest ones I could find- I was surprised to learn this is from 2010!) and being encouraged. ๐
Thank you, Becky ๐