It seems like every year we get the same warnings about the flu d’jour (or d’season, as it were). These seem to be mostly brought to us by newsanchors who make it their mission to cause widespread panic and fear no matter what content is on their teleprompter, so although I take steps to protect and care for my family during the (entire) year, the best thing I can do is express a quiet trust in the Lord God’s care for us, and rest in His sovereignty in all things. No one’s going to be ill around here without God’s permission! Knowing this helps me to keep things in perspective and, instead of panicking, gives me opportunity to thoughtfully prepare. Stress, in case you did not know, does not lend itself to healthy living. And we all know that mommies are not allowed to get sick!
The best form of flu-care I know is to prevent it in the first place. This sounds obvious, but when the children are out late for multiple holiday events over and over (and over) again, all those extra Christmas treats, late bedtimes, and cold wet evenings keep their immune systems from running at top notch. It’s all right to say, “No dessert today” at an event, or even to put them all to bed EARLY for a change. Protect those nap (or quiet) times and feed them well with wholesome food and drink.
I am more diligent about keeping up with supplements during the winter months, especially cod liver oil. My children like it emulsified because it does not go down oily. I take my CLO also, and prefer mine fermented. It is pricey, but I’m the only one that can handle the taste, so it does last a while!
The other supplements we take in addition to our multivitamins include elderberry syrup and plenty of fresh powdered garlic on just about everything.
If I even *smell* a flu coming on, I use Oscillococcinum, cut out all sugars completely and even grains mostly, and I brew up plenty of echinacea-blended tea to drink. I buy my herbs in bulk and make my own, but you can find herbal teas in quality markets. I like Traditional Medicinals.
Now, honestly, we hardly get sick around here at all. Typically what happens is that I have a child complaining of a stomachache or even a fever that is low for the morning but off and running around by lunchtime. But that’s not to say we don’t ever see the a-typical (for us) illness.
To treat for flu, I use homeopathic remedies. Some people think they’re more like “potions”, to which I say phooey on them. Just because it’s not a pharmaceutical drug doesn’t mean it’s from the devil. I have lots of remedies on hand, but the ones we use most often are Belladonna, Nux Vom, Pulsatilla, and Arnica. Apis is awesome for bee stings, by the way.
I also use herbal tinctures that I’ve made. I brainstormed what ailments we as a family are probably going to see at some time, and then researched what herbs would combat those. For example, I’ve made some for onsets of colds and some for fevers, some for tummy aches and some for headaches (although, I have to say that with chiropractic care, we about NEVER see a headache from anyone in our family.) You can buy tinctures already made from a company like Herbs for Kids.
For meals, I let the afflicted fast as desired to give their system a chance to fight off the *bug* instead of working on digestion. If the ill person wants to eat (which is rare), I will make chicken broth with plenty of garlic in it and perhaps applesauce or homemade pudding or buttered sourdough toast. I might mix in probiotics as well. I do make sure that he or she stays hydrated with plenty of liquids, which include herbal teas and electrolyte drinks, such as Recharge. If juice is requested, I make sure to get real cranberry, not made from concentrate.
It’s important also to provide (as much as possible) a quiet place to rest and sleep. I don’t use videos to entertain too much as I don’t think all the metallic light and sound are all that conducive to healing. All of our children are fairly compassionate towards a sick sibling and will respect their peace if he or she happens to be sleeping on the living room couch.
If there is a lot of pain involved, or a very high temperature for a lengthy period, I do call my naturpathic doctor and we keep in touch. If nothing were changing for the better, I would not hesitate to call my medical doctor for his prescription pad and drugs, but haven’t needed to do so yet because healing comes. By the way, I am not afraid of fevers, even “high” ones (and what is “high” for one mom isn’t for another); fevers are about the business of fighting off disease and that is something I want to support, not suppress. I think my children have had about half a dozen Tylenols total combined between the six of them all their lives; and they usually got them when my confidence (or energy) waned and Tom had to make a 2am trip to the market to get some. None of them have yet ever needed an antibiotic for anything.
We are very blessed to have enjoyed good health over the years, and I do not take it for granted in the least. I think you can keep your family healthy as well; do the research, prepare, and baby your wee ones when they are ill in confidence. Your love is powerful medicine.

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