High Five Moms are talking about fostering good sibling relationships today. Here are two blog posts I wrote about that very topic, with some sweet photos too! Enjoy!
Where I disagree that children “need friends their own age”
How taking sides in disputes can be shallow and short-lived
You can read more thoughts on sibling relationships this week at other High Five Mom posts. Tell them I sent you!
I’m so thankful that my children have so many siblings!

Hello,I just wanted to tell you I have been clicking around on your blog for a couple of days and I have really enjoyed it. I like the spirit of it, and I LOVE the KJB all over it! I also enjoy your thoughtful writing. I've added you to my reader. Thanks for sharing yourself.โฅ PS. Your gray hair is beautiful. ๐
PPS ~ I wanted to read why you use the KJV, but I think the link is broken. ??
Hello SallyWhat lovely words; thank you. And thank you for alerting me to the broken link. I've repaired it; you can also go directly to the links page underneath my header, or just click here: <a href="http://www.kerimae.com/p/links.htmlhttp://www.kerimae.com/p/links.html<br />Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment :)Blessings,Keri Mae
Thanks, Keri. There's some great stuff on your links. Do you mind if I link them on my blog also? (I'm sure you don't, but I want permission to be a copycat.) ๐
Hi Sally, I don't mind you sharing any and all links. It would be nice if you could link to me somehow as your source if that doesn't seem too weird ๐ In any case, yes, feel free to share the good stuff! I'd love to link to your "which Bible" page, too.Blessings to you and yours
Certainly I can link to you. Easy enough, and thank you. And of course you can link to me. I'd be honored to have you do that!Do you mind if I ask where you go to church? You can email me if you prefer:g johnsons castle (at) g mail (dot) com
Hi SallySending you an email ๐