A sliver of pause,
An encouraging word,
A hearty applause.
Gentle rebukes
With much fear and trembling,
Faithful attendance
With the assembly.
Prayers for the enemy,
Forebearance, forgiven,
Assuming the best,
A friend to envision.
Nourishing attention,
The web put on mute,
Fully engaged,
Cultivating fruit.
Wiper of tears,
Present in sorrow,
Comforter in grief,
Faith in tomorrow.
Unabridged stories
At bedtime to read,
Kissed boo-boo’s and bandaids,
Nourishing needs.
Dream helper, goal shaper,
Cheers for small steps,
Loyalty to another
A cup of clean water,
A meal taken in,
A loving touch of the hand,
A lift of the chin.
Doing the work
Of saying you’re sorry,
Rebuilding trust,
Small token gifts,
A generous hand,
Prayers of thanksgiving,
Witness to God’s promised land.
These are some gifts
Of the heart that cost none,
But your time and your love
First received from the Son.
As you do them for others
From Him do you see,
A high holy presence
No gift boughten can be.
May your Christmas be heart-felt,
Your motives be true,
And the gifts that you share
Come back to bless you.

I loved the first line of your poem. In the day of Facebook, Twitter, email, and "likes," the meaning of a handwritten note takes on extra significance.
A gentle poem that brings some sanity to hustle and bustle of the Christmas season. Very enjoyable. Peace and Blessings.
"Snail mail" is one of my favorite things:-)
A wonderful poetic post, Keri Mae. So much truth in your lines. Thanks for sharing.
I loved the line about "gentle rebukes with much fear and trembling." This is a great piece of writing.Mike
Thank you all for your comments; I appreciate the time you take to leave them. I enjoy this group a whole lot 🙂
Great thoughts for the season. Thanks for putting them in just a thoughtful format.
"Unabridged stories at bedtime to read." What gift could be better. . . ?Wonderful post, Keri Mae.
beautiful flow and heartwarming, love it Keri Mae!!
This was a clever and well done take on the theme, Keri Mae. Very nicely done. Loved the "sliver of pause" right before the applause!
Oh wow, I really enjoyed reading that. I read it twice, love love love it. Thanks for sharing!
lovely poem postbiiiiig hug
Thank you Kerri Mae for bringing it! How lovely your prose "May your Christmas be heart-felt, your motives be true, and the gifts that you share, come back to bless you" Loved it!
This is the coolest poem!!… and the greatest thing is I see you in each stanza.Love, Husband 🙂
Kerri Mae,Nicely done. Thanks so much for sharing!
Simple and lovely. Very special poetic words, Keri Mae. Thank you!
Oh, AMEN, Keri Mae! "A handwritten note, A sliver of pause," — you drew me in and held me captive throughout. I LOVE the line, "A sliver of pause." Perfect! Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!
And may this come back to bless you!Merry Christmas!