I don’t know why the Lord blesses me so. All I can think is that it must give Him pleasure to do so, and to show His goodness for a weak woman such as I. There is no way I can bring forth such amazing provision for myself, and I am truly humbled. For example, not two months ago, a woman from our church said she had something for me. I brightened and said, “What? A hug? A prayer? A blessing?!” She laughed and said, “Well…yes! AND…I’ve decided to give you my serger because I am not using it and thought you might.” A serger!! It is one of those machines that I hoped to own someday, but could never have enough extra money to purchase. So I am thankful. And she got her hug!
A couple of weeks ago I found myself in an amazing fiber shop. Well, I ought to call it a shoppe because of the historical little town it is in. I just stood agape at all of the beautiful woolen yarns and spinning wheels and I think touched just about everything in her store. And then I saw the store owner’s loom, and we made conversation. About my yiayia who lived in a village in Greece and made blankets for all of her grandchildren. About how I tried to track the loom down but no one was much interested in doing that. And so on.
So, the store owner put her hand on her chin and thoughtfully looked at me and said, “You know…I have a loom at home I’ve been hoping to give to a good home….”
Give? Give? GIVE?!!!!!
I did not answer right away as I was in shock, but actually left the store. And then returned within the hour to say, very sheepishly and quietly, “yes.” And so here it is! In my home and waiting for me to gain instruction. To say that I am awed by it would be an understatement.

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