There sure is a lot of junk going on in the news these days. There are people “out there” who want me to pay double or triple what I already pay for a pound of ground beef because of “global warming” of course, what with the passing gas all those moo-moo’s do. They also want our family to pay more for the energy we consume because it isn’t fair to third world countries that we are comfortable in our home, and besides that, we’re overpopulating the world with our footprints. In addition, we need to give our children their “right” to on-demand contraceptives (and of course a “recourse” for failures of such), and get in line for nanny-state-run so-called “health” care whether we want it or not. I’m sure pretty soon we’ll be expected to burn our Bibles too, what with all the hate-inciting-speech within its pages.
But you know what? All of this garbage is NOTHING NEW.
Ecclesiastes 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
I think we have experienced God’s grace and mercies for so long now (all my life, at least) that we beat our chests and demand all of our liberties to continue irregardless of our culture’s (and our own) flat out dismissal of Biblical knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. Somehow instead we’ve managed to find an extra 68 hours in our month to spend online, but the time for personally meeting with Jesus is a quaint desire that nothing but catastrophe would move us to.
So, I think we’re just, as a whole, going to have things our own way, which is always a disaster. But we’re too smart to repent, and too intelligent to grant God His due, much less acknowledge Him as He has revealed Himself.
So, while I’m not advocating sticking our heads in the sand (don’t skip voting!), I would like to share some thoughts about what our responses as Christian homemakers may look like.
First, realize that none of this took (or takes) God by surprise, He is still on the throne, and still raises up kings (and presidents) for His own work and for His own glory.
Second, accept that we are no more worthy to escape hardship and calamity than any of the other millions and millions of faithful women that have gone before us. Would you think it better to have lived under the reign of King Herod the butcher? Or during the Babylonian captivity? Or, even now, in a country where persecution is yours should you dare to own a Bible or to be pregnant with a second child or to teach your own children about Jesus, lover of their souls?
Third, it is good to be prepared. Learn how to preserve food and fill your pantries. Learn simple first aid, and know how to use medicines to care for your family. Read plenty of nonfiction, and try your hand at many things. But please do not fall into the hole of believing that your family’s well being is ALL UP TO YOU. It is not. There will be things out of your control, but know it is never outside of God’s.
Lastly, do study to be quiet. It is a command, for our own good.
1 Thessalonians 4:11 And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you…
One of the ways I do this is to do handwork and crafts. My hands stay busy, and it is a good time to pray or listen to encouraging music or a good sermon. One woman quietly rolling out a pie crust for her family’s meal is better for the world than another Henny Penny running amok.
These are hard and uncertain times, and many of us are rightfully burdened with the worries of it. However, as Christians, we have access to the Prince of Peace, and in staying near to Him we may find that even the folks “out there” cannot move us from the quietness we have within despite the cacophony without.
Proverbs 1:33 But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.

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