I don’t watch the news, and I rarely listen to talk radio. I appreciate maintaining my blood pressure at a sane level. I also recognize that knowledge of the daily reports doesn’t necessarily further my peace or help me to better my life or the lives of my household, but rather feeds fear, mistrust, and my own arrogance and pride. After all, I’m not as bad as the people getting reported on. So I say.
But Jesus sees things differently. He sees my inner irks, my spirit of discontent, my annoyances at others…for starters. He knows everything, and nothing is hidden. Even if there were no God at all (is saying that blasphemous?), my conscience and my world would proclaim otherwise. My greater fear, I suppose, would be a darkened mind, a hardened heart, a weak conscience….all of which the media tends to cultivate.
But still the news of the day comes, whether by whisper or whirlwind and I am left either angry at the injustice or in great sorrow at the depths of depravity. And even though I know all have sinned and fallen short, I’m still stunned by it all: the gross crimes AND the responses of people to those things. And yet, why am I “stunned”? Didn’t Jesus tell me these things would happen? If I’m so surprised, so shocked…does that reveal my unbelief? My own pride? Or does it further expose the truth of it all–how low we really are, how desperate in need for God’s mercy and grace.
So what do we do with the heaviness? I don’t rightly know, other than obviously repent of our own sins. Turning off the media helps. Mostly, though, wisps of words ribbon through the spirit: study to be quiet….be ye holy…plant gardens…follow Me…
In other words, carry on. Nothing is a surprise, nothing is new, nothing is unseen. God is still just and God is still merciful. The brethren are still persecuted worldwide (in the most wicked and horrific manners), the devil still dances (in the most wicked and horrific manners), and Jesus is still at work (in love and in truth). And, because those things are true, I can still look to Jesus and be at my own work today. Ora et labora, pray and work. Both necessary, both in life and godliness.
I believe God is honored by our trust and I know He is glorified by our faith. So, despite the heaviness of the world and its ways, we can continue to cultivate holiness, even though we know only God is good. He expects His saints to continue in that work, and we are blessed to have opportunity to do so while we still draw breath this side of the veil. Ora et labora, friends. Pray and work. Press on.

Dear Kari Mae, Thank you so much for this! It was JUST what my soul needed. On another note, I just love your podcasts! I stumbled upon them doing some searches on homemaking right after I discovered the whole podcasting thing and my dear husband put the app on my iphone (which he too bought for me—wanting me to convert :). I’m so glad I did. You and your husband and the way you relate to one another has been such a beautiful example to me—a breath of fresh air. It’s taught me so much. Your an older woman in my life—and I appreciate you. Thank you for your godly example. Love, Abby Walsman
Thank you, Abby, for your very sweet and encouraging words.
Dear Keri Mae,
I too know the emotionally crippling effect of news of tragedy, disaster, moral decline, and horrific injustice. I too avoid news to maintain sanity. I too somehow find out about it… (want to move to a mountain top!) I appreciate your admonition to press on and do the work that is before us. This is where God has us and this is what He has for us to do. Like you, I work and pray. Very simple yet hard. Hard to fight back despair. Yet we must! We must encourage each other not to let our hearts be troubled (John 14). Our citizenship is in heaven! And because He has overcome the world – John 16:33: These things I have spoken unto you, that ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. I join you in prayer and in work and trust in the One Who will make it all right someday. Thank you for this beautiful post. I so look forward to your book!
One last thing…I love what 1 Thessalonians 4:11 says: And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands as we commanded you. That ye may walk honestly toward them that are without and that ye may have lack of nothing.
God bless you today, Keri Mae. You are such a blessing! I am so blessed by your sacrifice to post and podcast your thoughts. Each one has been such a gift.
Thank you, Rebecca…your comments always bless (and humble!) me. And those verses stay on my mind quite a lot as well!
Oh, I needed this reminder. I’m not alone in wanting to shield myself from the news. I’m actually taking a break from Twitter because it’s all too much; it grieves my heart to see both tragedy and the self-righteous responses to it. I’m trying to focus, like Rebecca has said above, on minding my own household. My husband has very kindly reminded me of this verse as well when I was moaning about the state of the world. I should probably be printing 1 Thessalonians 4:11 to hang at my dishwashing station.
Thanks again,