I made some homemade skin moisturizer not too long ago. Mostly because (a) I can’t afford $50+ department skin products, and (b) I wouldn’t want them anyway with all the names of things I can’t pronounce in their neat little jars. I happen to really like the cream that comes out of my kitchen, so I thought I’d share it with you. My skin is considered “normal” except a little drier in the wintertime.
I wanted to have enough left over to share, so you may want to halve the recipe if you don’t want quite as much.
I measured 2 cups of oil. I used mostly infused calendula grapeseed oil. I’ve used almond oil and coconut oil in the past as well; but I was just trying something new. To infuse a herb, just cover it with oil for a couple of weeks, shaking it up every day, and then strain. Calendula is wonderful for healing, but chamomile would also be lovely. Or just use the oil straight. I added a bit of azulene oil I had leftover from a waxing kit (owie). It’s a lovely blue, from chamomile, which isn’t blue…so isn’t that odd?

Into my water mixture, I added about 20 drops of lavender essential oil, 50,000IU of vitamin A, and 4800IU of vitamin E. I simply cut open a bunch of capsules and added it. Both A & E are great for your skin, and will help keep the cream fresh, too.

And P.S. cleaning everything is not for the faint of heart; it’s all creamy! I have success in cleaning when I use vinegar to cut it all. I add water, vinegar and a touch of dishsoap and run my blender as its very own mini dishwasher.

I’ve finally started making my own beauty products, and I’m definitely going to try this one. I love how you’ve made it so customizable, because my skin is oily, so I will be searching for some herbs that I can use to prevent acne. Great tutorial – can’t wait to try it!
For your acne, try using straight witch hazel with a cotton ball first before applying moisturizer; it really helps. Warning: making your own beauty products will ruin you for store bought forever 🙂