How do I make time to work on those things I want to keep learning? How can you?
- Pick at it, here a little, there a little; 15 minutes a day is still almost 2 hours a week
- Chuck the TV and turn off the internet
- Read nonfiction in the bathtub or even while the kids are in theirs
- Put the kids to bed on time
- Always have something to do with you when you’re out: sketchbook, knitting, etc.
- Greet the sunrise (not the midnight moon)
- Ask your family for a few hours to yourself, once a week (schedule it)
- Say “no” to too many outside responsibilities
- Let your kids see that you have “homework” too; you can even do it while they’re busy with theirs
- Do things with your family: gardening, learning about baking, painting…
- Focus your interests onto a smaller plate; too many can pull you into too many directions and waste time
- Take a class; nothing like outside dates or deadlines to help you get going!
- Listen to audio tapes when in the car; it’s better for your blood pressure than talk radio anyway
- Take a regular walk and learn to quiet your mind. More ideas will come!

Great ideas! I’ll admit to being a night owl who would rather burn the midnight oil than the morning one, but the effect is the same. 🙂 When learning is made a priority, the time is there for it. I’ve gotten pretty good with taking a book with me wherever I go. It’s amazing how much reading one can do when a minute is grabbed here and there.
I think the only thing I would add to your great list is don’t ever say “I’m too old.” I’ve been learning to can jam this year for the first time at the age of “29 – again” 🙂