If you’re on my email list (and you are, right?) you already know that I’ve written a book. If you’ve been with me a long while, you also know that A Happy Home was a blog I quit for a short season because I was so completely distracted by the internet and its siren call. I was constantly checking the stats or pushing aside the needs of my children to work on posting photographs, etc. It interfered with my being present with my family, friends, and life. I spent almost a year away from blogging, and in doing so I addressed many areas in my life and put them in their proper places. I then returned to blogging at A Happy Home Media, but with a quieter, more contented life despite the tensions and incessant call of technology, internet, and social media. And it is STILL a journey!
The book is called PRESENT and it’s about allowing the important things in life to have priority. Judging by the many I’ve met through my website(s) struggling with the same issues of finding balance, it seems I am in good company!
Anyhow, the manuscript is getting sent out for editing because I really want it to be a blessing to my readers, for it to be the best it can. At this point I’m wavering between hunting for an agent and self-publishing. Both have strengths and compelling reasons to do so. In the meantime, yes, I’ve started writing book number two on hospitality and have laid out book number three on journaling. So look for good things to come! And sign up for my mailing list–I consider that my *inner circle* 🙂
Meanwhile, I borrowed a loom from a friend and have started to learn how to weave. I just love playing with wool and texture and color. I have grand designs of raising my own fiber, spinning and dyeing it, and then weaving and felting and THEN using those gorgeous creations to design and make journals that others can use. To get to that bigger vision, I am planning to add plants specifically for dye this spring, and will spend some of my winter learning to weave. I also have the name and number of a drop spindle spinner to call up, and this spring I have a class to learn how to put leather journals together. I’m sure I will be able to use that knowledge for other covers, too. Little steps are what gets me to my goals.
Here is my first go at the loom. Yes it’s wonky and not perfect but it’s a start. I’m certain every marathon runner fell on their hiney at least once while learning to walk.
What dreams are you dreaming? Are you taking steps? Practicing?

not yet – just trying to organize and get my life in shape 😀
One step at a time, friend 🙂
KeriMae, your warrping and your weaving is OUTSTANDING! I’m seeing good selvedges, too! Twill, plain weave/tabby, basketweave — it is all there! You are off to a most excellent beginning. You most definitely have the makings of a very fine weaver. Congratulations! Be well, Kate K. 🙂
Thank you, Kate! I’m honored you visited my site 🙂