Spring has been very wet here, more so than usual. I think the entire month of May was made up mostly of rain, and the sun was everywhere-but-here. I don’t mind the rain most times, but it became more and more difficult not to gripe about it. And really, I have nothing to gripe about: my seedlings were all watered without my help and I was able to work on sewing and handwork projects (which I’ll share later). Something in my heart rings about being thankful in all circumstances.
Want a little tour?
The garlic scapes (the curly flowering coming up in the middle of the stalk) have now been cut and I am enjoying them chopped and fried. I am down to my last half dozen or so garlic heads from last year so I am really, really happy to see these coming due. I have even more growing in another raised bed.

I enjoy growing and drying my own herbs for seasonings. Here are different varieties of sage.

I hope you’re enjoying God’s creation in your own gardens as well.

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