Leaving Facebook hasn’t killed me and my friends are still talking to me so I was able to take it in stride when my cell phone broke, leaving me Twitterless in Seattle (so to speak), too. All I need now is for the dinosaur computer upstairs to completely melt down and that will be *it* for internet connection during the day. My husband takes a laptop to work everyday, so I can play on it in the evening when he’s home if he has other work to do. Like now.
So *instead* of Facebooking and putzing around online during the day (yikes! I have 284 unread blogs! And I only have 33 on my read list! Maybe that needs to be cut as well…) I’ve been catching up on things around the home and continuing my quest to learn how to sew clothing. Check out what I made today for my Ruby:

And come on now, won’t her little hiney look adorable in these? I sewed the pockets closed by mistake on purpose because she isn’t exactly at the point of using pockets yet.


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