Last Wednesday, I went to the local bookstore to use up a gift card that my son won through our library. As I picked up our order, the employee asked if I was a teacher, in which case he would gladly give me a discount. Well. I bet you can guess what happened next.
“I am a homeschooling teacher. Can I have a discount for that?”
“Naw,” he slightly guffawed, “that doesn’t count.”
(just waiting a moment for you to gather your bearings as I had to gather mine….)
“Actually,” I chuckled as I looked him straight in the eye, “I used to BE a public school teacher, and (chuckle chuckle) I can tell you without a doubt that being a homeschooling parent is far, far, FAR more difficult.”
He gave me the full discount.
If you are on my email list, you can expect to begin hearing about my next book, which is about homeschooling as a lifestyle. I think this is what makes homeschooling so challenging: it’s not simply (simply! ha!) adding academics to housework and meal preparations. It’s about embracing education as a normal and natural means of cultivating and developing curiosity about God, people, the world, and how things work. It’s about encouraging those interests every unique individual has, and giving means by which inquiring minds can scratch those itches. It’s about–like my book PRESENT highlights–enjoying one another and loving one another and serving one another, and having writing assignments (as an example) endeavor to serve those ends, rather than simply having a five page essay due on a random Thursday.
That may not *count* in some people’s heads, but in the Real World, it counts. It counts a lot.

I’m so looking forward to read that book!! I’ve loved hearing your ideas on education. I have five children right now, pregnant with number six, and homeschooling four everyday takes a lot of time! Lol but I wouldn’t trade it. I have learned to calm down on the younger grades. Especially kindergarten! Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on the book! 🙂
Yes, especially kindergarten! 🙂
And yes, thank you for the pause to gather my bearings! 😂
Hooray for you. Even I had to pause and take a breath.
Well, I had to chew on it a bit all the way home, too! LOL
That is great that you were given the full discount.
I never homeschooled but I could see how it would be more challenging. I volunteer at Coffee Oasis and during Christmas we had a dinner for the youth.
There was a sweet teenager that goes to the local High School and she told me that she has struggled with home studying and doing her subjects. She admitted she had in-completes for a few classes, but she did say that her teacher gave her more assignments to make up for the them. I talked with her Mom and she also concurred that is was difficult helping her 2 daughters with their school work. So kudos to you Keri! That is wonderful that you can do that. God bless you and the family! 💜🙂
Yes, that is definitely a big part of homeschooling: the schooling of character for everyone involved (parent AND child). Follow through, diligence, organization, cheerfulness, perseverance, etc. I would say that even parents like myself get “incomplete” at times, but it is all part of learning and living and growing methinks.
Looking forward to your book…I’ll bite my tongue about the bookstore exchange! : )
LOL I could *feel* the solidarity of mamas everywhere behind me in that moment!
I am looking forward to your new book. I have put two kids through the public school system (well one is a Junior and struggling with the remote learning) I have one 5 year old who I would like to homeschool and right now I am doing a little on my off days but mostly he’s embracing life lessons and loves to “read” with me but is not interested in holding a pencil, crayon or trying to read on his own. I want to homeschool without buying a curriculum too. Will your book guide me on any of this? I still will read it if it wont but do you have any direction/ sites to guide me?
Hello JoAnna. I think you will get a lot of value from this book coming out. Although I do mention several curriculum helps that our family has enjoyed and used, the main gist is that every child and family is different and we Must keep the main purposes of education in mind in all of our decisions. Many blessings on your journey!