Spring is definitely here. Between the heavy frost and the warm sunny days, the buds beginning to unfurl and the weeds waking with a vengeance, the whole atmosphere around here says, “It’s spring!” The quietness of winter is gone, too. The robins are singing, the hummingbirds zipping…and then there’s our dairy goat herd queen, Splat. If she hears any of us outside, she begins bellowing. “Foooood!!! I want some more fooooooooooooooood!” Yes, we’ve taken to hushing our way out to the kitchen garden if we want to work on schoolwork at the picnic table in peace.
We have three girls to milk for our family’s supply, and what comes before that are, of course, the kids. Two of our does have kidded, and we have one more to go next month. Tomorrow we’ll be disbudding the babies (the job I hate the very, very most!). I say “we” in the loosest sense: my husband and son actually do the job and I am VERY thankful for that.
Anyhow, here are some photos. They are tagged with my other blog’s website, so if you’re interested in dairy goats, feel free to check out that site, too!
Enjoy your spring!

The coloring on those kids are AMAZING!
Aren’t they? Plus their mamas are awesome milkers! Let me know when you’re ready for your own herd 🙂