I was a military brat hopping across the Atlantic Ocean every three years until I was seventeen, and between then and now I’ve moved an additional twelve times. So why is moving my blog and website for the measly fourth time such a trial? Maybe because I intently dislike spending so much time on the computer! I also do not like having to lie down so much as we wait for labor to begin with our seventh child, so other than reading, the time I had gave me a good excuse to work on the website with the laptop tilted onto pillows so I could read and type sideways. Good thing my husband’s a chiropractor and can keep my neck unkinked.
But the braxton hicks contractions are here and there and the unmistakable rush to fluff and feather (and bleach clean) the nest have turned this website move into almost a panic. I *have* to get this done! NOW. You mamas will understand. The end of pregnancy usually means (fill in the blank) MUST be done “now”. So all of the work to be done, all of the labor as it were, is intense and busy. Funny thing is, though, and I remember this….once babyhood labor begins it won’t matter a spit if there are cobwebs on the ceilings or mustard stains on the highchair. I won’t even care that I’ve lost 183 comments in this blog move (waaaahhhhh!).
So here we are, hopefully for good, or at least until I shut the whole thing down and begin once again to discover more of my handwriting onto smooth paper. If you’re new here, welcome! If you’ve followed me around for up to six or so years of blogs, thank you! Please forgive the glitches that are sure to come as we continue to fine tune things around here. My husband and I along with Karen from Simply Amusing Designs have been working to bring you a website that I hope you will like and find user-friendly. Their patience with my pickiness is extraordinary.
Baby is due anytime this month and I will be pleased to let you know when (he? she?) gets here. In the meantime, consider yourself hugged for your support of this “blog baby”. You’re all so great, and I thank you.

Ysy for the new blog. Glad you got the major part finished before baby arrives
Looking forward to hearing if you have a he or she 🙂
Love the look of your new, blog home.
Can’t wait to hear about your soon-to-be born little treasure!
Yours, Rosemary
Thanks for twitting (oops, I mean, tweeting) a reminder to subscribe via email. I knew there was something I kept forgetting to do.
Thank you all for your sweet support and for the cheer you send me. I appreciate it a whole lot!