Here is some catch-up on what’s going around my home and farm-ette.
Flowers are coming into bloom, including the unusual pink lilic tree; what an intoxicating introduction to spring. I love wandering to and fro through the garden and smelling nature’s perfume wafting from the newest blooms. The apple blossoms are finished, and sweet rocket is in full bloom. The irises out front are in full purple array, and they–believe it or not–really do smell just like root beer!
I added three new kinder goat baby gals to my herd. They’re very sweet and adorable but I’ve had to work hard towards getting them healthy. I don’t know if it was the stress of the move or what, but I am learning as I go how to treat my own goats and keep them in the best shape. It’s not like I went to “goat school” or whatnot. I am very pleased with their progress so far. The little black goat on the left has the silkiest fur coming in and it does feel good to see outward healing. Isn’t she cute chewing her cud?!
I like this outside wall art and wanted to share it; it’s made from from an old bicycle chain link. I love this sort of clever repurposing; some folks are just so artistically talented! I would never think of this!
My girls anxiously awaited the first warm day of the season, and when it arrived, they grabbed all of their doll clothes and washed every one of them by hand on the washboard and hung them up to dry in the garden. I love the idea of having a clothesline, with sunshine and fresh air infusing themselves into our clothes. Maybe someday. And then I’ll know just who (times three!) will get to pin them all up!
Speaking of art in the garden, I love these painted pottery chimes as well. They sound very mellow.
My husband and I had the “great idea” of raising our own pastured chicken for our family’s food. We felt pretty confident that we could get someone to come take us through the butchering process, but as it worked out, everyone was busy. Let’s just say, “thank God (truly!) for internet and youtube instruction!” Here is my friend who showed up with her six children to help me figure it out. There are friends you can call at three in the morning, and then there are friends you can call on to help you kill and gut your food. This one is both.
Overall, we’re having a good start to the summer season. Our community has a new boat to the city, and though I’m glad my morning commute is just from my bedroom to the rest of the house, I’m real excited for the difference this boat will make in the lives of our commuters; shorter travel times mean more time for family and that I think is a real blessing.
Enjoy the season!

Hello, Keri Mae. I am another Christian mom with a blog and I would like to interview you. I find you interesting and I appreaciate all the knowledge you have on raw milk and natural tooth decay prevention. you can contact me
Hello JaedabarbieYou are more than welcome to email me and I will try to answer any questions you may have. You can also leave me a comment and ask there if you think others may be interested in what you are wondering about.Blessings,Keri Mae
Here are my questions ( I Couldnt figure out how to email you)I am considering starting my family on my raw milk, is there any basic facts I should know before we start?How to store raw milk and does it spoil quicker than the milk from the grocery?Last question, what made you choose to purchase goats and is their milk better for you than cow milk?Thanks for answering my questions, also thanks for your podcast, I learn a lot and also have began homeschooling my children. ( Your podcast really touched me and compelled me.)
Hello againYou can find information regarding raw milk and where to find it in your state here: milk will "ripen" or "sour" before going "bad". For example, sour cream is just that….cream that has "soured". It will turn faster than pasteurized (cooked) milk. But fresh raw milk doesn't last long around here anyway (yum!)Goat milk is easier to digest, but besides that, I can handle the size of those animals better and like to be around them. I do like to use raw cow milk when I can get it, though. Fresh cream is the best!Thanks for your encouraging words!Keri Mae