I think my head’s going to pop off. Somehow when I wasn’t paying too much attention I left behind my winter’s rest and started on a number of projects with gusto. And now I think my gusto’s getting up and leaving me! So this blog entry will be a brain dump; feel free to pass it by if your own head starts to hurt.
Wiving: still trying to find my way around my husband’s new obsession. I am so thankful to have received the last couple of issues of No Greater Joy magazine because the whole *obsession* thing is addressed. And I’m thinking, “Oh GOOD! This is normal! But now what do I do?…..” And by the way, they’re currently having an Amazon blitz with a book on an issue that is so important to talk to children about.
Mommying: oh….I don’t need to list anything here because if you’re a mom you know. It’s full.
Homemaking: I’m still in the midst of turning my house into one big snowglobe and shaking it all up. Furniture is moving all over the place, rooms are being reorganized, and my husband has more than once had to break out his tools to re-do something in a different place. I’m also slowly painting my way through the downstairs, changing colors. There will be some rewiring and carpentry to be done as well. I’ll share some before and after pics when it’s done.
Outside: Spring is coming! And unless I just want to un-garden for another season, I need to finish the inside of my house so I can work on the outside of it. Chicks are arriving this week, ducklings are on order, seeds are ready to be started (in my newly heated greenhouse woohoo!), and I’m still looking to buy more dairy goats (gals) and sell my own babies (guys). I’m pretty certain my honeybees are not going to make it through this winter, but I’d love to be surprised. I’ll be adding a second hive, and have those bees on order, too. Next month (wait…it is next month yet? Ack! Tomorrow!) I’ll be helping out with shearing and planning a nice little herd of shetland sheep to add to our home sweet home. The new pasture for the goats is planned and we’re just waiting for the ground to thaw to start putting in posts for the fence. And then there’s a barn to finish building…
Other projects: I have a podcast to prepare for this week (which has been so well received; thank you for your many blessings on it), and a photobook of the last year to put together, hopefully before this year is out. And speaking of last year, I finished my Holistic Nutrition masters program (yay!) and now want to expand my herb education beyond “family herbalist”. So I’m eyeing a new distant learning school but I better not jump until fall (at least). I have a soap making class to teach next week, a preschool bags activity group to keep up with (and a bunch of activities to make for it), a retreat to prepare for (planning/preparing meals for the speaker and making a hundred or so bookmarks), and a homeschool conference coming up which means I need to plan out next year’s curriculum so I know what I need to purchase. Let’s not even discuss the handwork projects I want to finish up.
I know. When I die there will still be things in my “in” box. And everything I’m doing will someday burn up anyway; it’s that whole vanity thing. But still, it’s a glory to participate in eternally-living-child-raising, help-meet-covenant-keeping, creative endeavors and creature-husbandry. I just pray the Lord keeps my head on straight through it all.

Don't forget to leave yourself time for a great cup of tea!Linda in PA
You sure have tons going on. I look forward to a a look at your "new home" when you are done.blessings,Dawn
I think I have listened to your podcast about finding a framework for your day about 5 times now. Maybe more. Today, I jotted down things/took notes to pray about. I for one need to find a framework for my day…desperately!
Today I took the day off of painting and had tea. Of course, while I was having tea, I needed to start pulling together my herbs for a green drink mix and sort seeds to start. Oy, the bane of multi-tasking!I'm looking forward to showing you my new home too, because it will mean that I'm done fixing it up :)I hope that podcast is a blessing to you, Rebecca. Remember the clock is your helper, not your master :)Thankful for you all,Keri Mae